Italian luxury fashion house Prada collaborated with the aerospace company Axiom Space to design some brand-new spacesuits!
Tag: fashion
Get into Character with California Costumes
The Intersection of Science and Art
Top Ten Historical Halloween Costumes
Divine Influencer (Movie Review & Giveaway)
American Hat Makers Scholarship Contest 2023
7 Essential Tips for Men to Dress Well
5 Tips for Dressing Children for A Wedding
10 Career Fields More Conservatives Must Enter
Brainly Study: Science is Students’ Favorite STEM Subject
Moschino Fall / Winter 2022 Fashion Show Review
Going To College? Here’s How to Ensure Your Hair Game Stays On Point
The American Hat Makers Scholarship
Billie Eilish Marches to the Beat of her Own (Synthesized) Drum
Candere Scholarship on “the Next Big Thing in Fashion”
Ruffles, Tassels and Bows: 17 Ways to Embellish a Blank Sweatshirt
Quintessence: Meet the Cacciacarro Sisters
Angela Clayton: Self-Taught Teen Sews Amazing Costumes
The Best Fashion Moments Of 2015
Impressive Runway Shows at New York Fashion Week Spring 2016
Four NYFW Spring 2016 collections that stood out among the rest.
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Razor’s Edge, by Madeleine Richey Are you a writer, a painter, a sculptor—an artist in any form? As a young artist, it can be hard to be recognized for your work and even harder if you are homeschooled and do not have a school that regularly hosts awards and provides opportunities to display your […]
Modest Summer Fashion
Hot weather doesn’t have to mean showing a lot of skin. Covering up is also a choice. So how do you stay cool and comfortable while dressing modestly – and why is it a good idea? Here is Homeschooling Teen‘s guide to modest summer fashion… The Bible says that “women should adorn themselves in respectable […]