Looking for ideas on how to make a homeschool transcript? Here are some unique samples we gathered from the web. Use these as a guide for layout and to see what types of info to include in yours. (Click on the images to enlarge them.)
Be sure to include the following information on your transcript:
- The words “Official Transcript” (seriously, some colleges are picky about that).
- Student’s full name / birthdate / social security number.
- Name of homeschool (or simply “_________ Family Homeschool”).
- High school years attended.
- Graduation date (in month/day/year format).
- Course titles / credit units / grades.
- Grading scale. (Use letters/numbers rather than pass/fail to calculate the GPA, i.e.: A = 90-100% = 4.0 • B = 80-89% = 3.0 • C = 70-79% = 2.0.)
- GPA calculation. (Multiply the grade for a given course by the credit(s) assigned for that course, add the totals, and then divide the grade point total by the credit total. Report final GPA with a number that includes two decimal places.)
- Standardized test scores.
- Awards and honors.
- Apprenticeships, certifications, volunteer hours, and any other pertinent info.
- Parents’ names, titles, and signatures. (Having them notarized isn’t required but makes it look more “official.” The father is often listed as “Administrator” and mother as “Teacher.” Also include degrees such as BS, MD, or PhD if applicable.)
- If you have a shiny gold seal for the envelope, go ahead and use it, and also mark “Official Transcript” on the outside of the envelope.
Here’s a downloadable copy of a transcript that we created: HighSchoolTranscript
Do you have a great transcript template that you have seen or used yourself? Please share – we’d love to include it! Send a copy to: mail@homeschoolingteen.com