HomeschoolingTeen’s Favorite High School Curriculum for Homeschoolers!
Homeschooling Teen reviewers give their “Best in Class” award to curriculum and other products that they consider to be the best representative example of a particular subject (i.e. English, Chemistry, Math, Philosophy) or genre (i.e. computer games, card games, board games). They judge their favorite homeschool materials based on a list of fifteen qualities when selecting the “Best in Class.” The following titles have received positive feedback from some of the most important critics – homeschooling teens!
Chemistry 101 (DVD & Study Guide)
Philosophy Adventure (Pre-Socratics Reader, Student Workbook, & CD)
Economics for Everybody (DVD & Study Guide)
Body of Evidence Series (DVDs & Study Guide)
Signs & Seasons: Understanding the Elements of Classical Astronomy (Text & Field Manual)
Homeschool Psych: Preparing Christian Homeschool Students for Psych 101 (Text & Workbook)
NOTE: The above products are items that we have personally used and highly recommend. Publishers, authors and producers never pay to be reviewed on here, although they may provide free copies for review purposes. However, the majority of these items have been purchased by us (okay, our parents) for use at home.