Infographic: Halloween Allergen Safety Allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk and egg are often found as ingredients in Halloween candy.
Transform Your Outlook on Life with a Gratitude Journal Gratitude journaling is a simple yet powerful practice that can transform your outlook on life and improve your overall well-being.
Healthy Tips for Back-to-School Here are some healthy tips on how to stay in good health as you start the school year.
Drug Rehab USA Mental Health Scholarship Opportunity to Support Your Mental Health Education: Drug Rehab USA Mental Health Scholarship.
Take Care of Your Respiratory Health [Infographic] Check out this comprehensive guide to respiratory health — an important wellbeing priority that many people overlook.
Navigating Homeschooling Challenges: A Guide to Fostering Teen Mental Health Homeschooled teens aren’t exempt from the common mental health struggles teen students face.
“Free Foods” are Good Foods Free foods are foods that can be eaten in moderation without calorie counting.
12 Ways to Have a Healthy Holiday Brighten the holidays by taking steps to make your health and safety a priority.
Underwriters Laboratories: 130+ Years of Keeping Us Safe Underwriters Laboratories is reminding families to keep safety on the menu to help prevent Thanksgiving fires and injuries.
After Death – Enter to Win 2 Free Movie Tickets! What happens when we die? You’re only one ticket away from finding out! Based on real near-death experiences, AFTER DEATH sheds a light on what awaits us.
Distracted Driving Awareness: Empowering Homeschooled Teens and Their Parents Data shows that teens aged 15-19 are more likely to engage in distracted driving than drivers 20 years or older.
10 Solar Eclipse Safety Tips The annular solar eclipse is a rare and exciting celestial event that will be visible on October 14, 2023.
The Importance of Including Physical Education in a Homeschool Routine and How To Do So Implementing physical education into your homeschool program benefits your students’ health and can help them build lifelong healthy habits.
Tucker Fisher: Homeschooler, Nature Lover, Outdoor Adventurer & World Traveler Tucker Fisher’s love for exploring the great outdoors led to adventures on four continents and a promising career path.
The Importance of Socialization for Homeschooled Teens Explore various socialization opportunities to find the right one that suits your teen the best.
Helping Homeschoolers Cope with Chronic Pain Homeschooling is often a good choice for children and teens who live with chronic pain.
Infographic: The Dangers of Underage Drinking Attention college-bound teens! Say YES to a healthy lifestyle and NO to underage drinking.
Federal Lawsuit Targeting Addictive Social Media Is social media a consumer product or a communication service? This federal lawsuit may very well make legal history.
Ways to Refill Your Water Bottle The importance of staying hydrated can never be overstated, especially in the hot summer months.