Infographic: US Constitution Facts Here are 10 U.S. Constitution facts that you probably didn’t know.
Something To Stand For: Get Your Tickets for Mike Rowe’s Epic Journey! Check out Mike Rowe’s new film, SOMETHING TO STAND FOR, in theaters June 27th-July 4th!
The Majestic Bald Eagle: Symbolizing Strength and Freedom Ever wondered why the bald eagle was chosen as the emblem of the United States?
Citizens Rule Book: A Great Stocking Stuffer for Patriots! Everyone needs a pocket guide to the U.S. Constitution! Order a set of Citizens Rule Books for placing in your family’s Christmas stockings.
Let’s Make July American Pride Month Rep. Wesley Hunt introduces House Resolution declaring July “American Pride Month.”
Black History Month and the Democrat Agenda Black History Month is a time to honor the contributions and legacy of African Americans – and yes, that includes Black Conservatives.
7 Revolutionary War Sites Your Teen Should Know Visiting these Revolutionary War sites is a great way to share your love of American history with your teen.
Fun Ways You Can Teach History to Your Homeschool Students Here are some fun ways you can teach history to your homeschool students.
Amazing Historical Sites around Albany, New York, to Visit with Your Homeschoolers Here are some amazing historical sites to visit around Albany, New York.
Thriving 101: Free E-course for American Patriots Why is thriving so important? It’s a word that seems to encompass the very genius of America, what has been called American exceptionalism.
Globalism: The Rise of Global Government The Rise of Global Government: Understanding the Unprecedented Times We Live in through the Lens of the Bible.
American Citizenship and Its Decline The newest online course from Hillsdale College teaches the significance of American citizenship and the threats it faces today.
The 400th Anniversary of the First Thanksgiving November 2021 marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving!
Celebrate Constitution Day on September 17th Constitution Day celebrates the Constitution of the United States, one of the most remarkable documents in history.
A Principle Approach to the Bible and America The Principle Approach method uses Biblical basics that your whole family can study together.
Students Ashamed to be American are Clueless About America College students who can’t answer simple questions about American history talk about how ungrateful they are to be American!
12 Most Patriotic Places in America Explore America’s history and rekindle your patriotism at these patriotic places!
Civil Rights in American History Examine the pursuit of justice and equality from the American founding through today in Hillsdale’s newest online course, “Civil Rights in American History.”
Colonial Williamsburg: Experience Living History Colonial Williamsburg invites homeschoolers and their families to experience revolutionary educational opportunities.
Contested Elections are Nothing New Our nation’s first contested presidential election was in 1800 and the most recent was in 2000.
Media Research Center Launches #FreeSpeechAmerica to Battle Big Tech Fact-checking the fact checkers: the MRC just launched #FreeSpeechAmerica to push back against Big Tech’s abuse of power.
A Warning from Cuban Exile Maximo Alvarez: “There is no other place to go.” Cuban immigrant Maximo Alvarez says Democrats are like Fidel Castro and if they take over America: “There is no other place to go.”