Welcome to the October 2022 issue of Homeschooling Teen, a monthly online magazine for homeschooled high schoolers ages 13-19 and their parents. This month’s articles are listed below, and you can view them online at HomeschoolingTeen.com.
Editor’s Column
Letter from the Editor: October 2022
We want to have fun this year with lots of creative writing pieces and profiles of active homeschooling students around the country. Send us your submissions!
Homeschooling Teen Profile
Emma Markowitz, Homeschooled Science Researcher
Emma is extremely passionate about finding innovative solutions to problems through science and social initiatives.
Homeschooling High School
Fun Ways You Can Teach History to Your Homeschool Students
Here are some fun ways you can teach history to your homeschool students.
Homeschool Electives
Easy Ways to Teach Your Homeschooled Teens About Fitness
The easiest route to teaching your child about embracing their fitness is clear instruction, challenging enterprises, and formidable expectancies.
Homeschooling Your Teen
How To Introduce Teens to Nutrition
Teach your teens about nutrition and helping them make healthy food choices.
5 Ways to Help Prepare Your Homeschooled Teen for College
Helping your teen prepare for college involves all the skill sets you have spent the past 18 years nurturing.
College of the Ozarks: Standing up for Common Sense
The College of the Ozarks is a religious school in Missouri and the Christian faith is integral to how it operates.
10 Career Fields More Conservatives Must Enter
There is a shortage of conservatives in certain career fields.
Product Reviews
Amazon’s Second Prime Day This Year is October 11-12
Amazon’s Second Prime Day This Year Starts October 11th!
Right-Wing Teen
North Valley Young Republicans Rally in Arizona
Young people are the future of the Republican party.
Movie Reviews
Run: A Mystery Thriller About a Homeschooler
A homeschooled teenager begins to suspect her mother is keeping a dark secret from her, and she can’t run away because she’s disabled.
Advice Paradise
The devil and Lucifer are one and the same; both are names for Satan.
Advice Paradise
Advice Paradise: Fear, Evil, and the Supernatural
Advice Paradise is a column where you can ask questions, read our answers, and offer your own advice!
Health Corner
Drug Cartels Targeting Kids and Teens with Rainbow Fentanyl
Drug cartels are using social media to find new customers for colorful “rainbow fentanyl” pills that look like candy, according to the DEA.
The World Around Us
Amazing Historical Sites around Albany, New York, to Visit with Your Homeschoolers
Here are some amazing historical sites to visit around Albany, New York.
Teen Tech Talk
How To Prepare Your Computer for Another Year of Online Learning
Taking the time to customize your computer setup can help your homeschooling experience be more organized and efficient.
Brainly Study: Science is Students’ Favorite STEM Subject
Science is the favorite STEM subject among students in the United States.
Sage IT Scholarship: “Innovative Thinking on Application of Technologies”
Sage IT, a premier global provider of innovative IT services and solutions, offers an IT scholarship for students.
College Application Guide (Infographic)
This infographic covers the college admissions process in detail, reviews common mistakes, and gives tips for all college applicants.
Your subscriber freebie:
Costumes for All Seasons (PDF) – This ebook was written by a parent about costumes for kids, but there’s no age limit to dressing up for Halloween!
View the current issue at HomeschoolingTeen.com!
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