A common misconception about fitness is that it is limited to staying active and focusing on exercise. Quite the contrary, being fit should involve emotional stability, mental sharpness and physical engagement. Teaching teens otherwise is doing them a disservice and setting them up for potential problems in the future. Instead, it is more responsible to encourage teens to be well-rounded in what they think and do from day to day. If you are unsure how to approach these topics with your homeschooler, try these easy suggestions to instill fitness in their life.
Define the Concept
Complacency and doubt are two significant adversaries to success. Begin the fitness conversation about living robustly by clarifying what toughness looks like. Explain to your teen that they are not judged by the number of sit-ups they can complete or how fast they can run a mile. Instead, let them know you want them to demonstrate confidence and purposefulness in every aspect, from their decisions to their overall work ethic. When you emphasize a 75 hard program, you are laying the groundwork for positive self-worth and increased self-esteem.
Break It Down
Most young people do not have the life experience to entirely comprehend what you are asking them to strive for. As a result, you may need to separate your expectations. Try highlighting one or two characteristics each week or with each lesson. For example, you might start by concentrating on time-management skills and ask them to develop an hourly outline of intentions Monday through Friday. At first, their goals may be open-ended or vague, but you can guide them toward clear, efficient designations of time. If they say they plan to exercise for one hour, push them to clarify what they will do. A more productive statement is that they will complete twenty minutes of running for cardio, followed by five minutes of walking to cool down, then twenty minutes of upper-body weights for their biceps, triceps and delts, ending with fifteen minutes of yoga to stretch and calm their mind. Although the detail may seem overkill initially, you are building responsibility and visualization in conjunction with body training.
Practice What You Teach
Adolescents need role models who they can trust and emulate. As the primary instructor for your stay-at-home learner, you should strive for an honest relationship where you both have ownership of the roles you fulfill. Come to class sessions prepared with the information you want to share, so it is clear that you are invested in the educational process. Communicate the outcomes that will demonstrate mastery on their part. Let the pupil problem-solve and determine how they would like to move forward. Pose questions throughout their project work to reinforce your interest and keep them on track, and then offer feedback along with their self-evaluation so you can analyze if anything could have been done better.
Allow for Experimentation
Since actual vitality consists of multiple components, you may want to be flexible and try different ways to assess courage and endurance. That does not mean dropping a young person off miles from home and tasking them to return within three hours. No, it means creating scenarios that require intellect, risk-taking and hardiness. For example, you could make up an assignment where they need to design an indoor plant wall that has proper drainage and is self-sustaining. Once they present their blueprint, instruct them to put it into action and construct the wall. Though it might be difficult, try not to step in if things go awry. Working through adversity will pay off in the end.
A renaissance person is skilled in multiple ways and has knowledge across the board. Therefore, the easiest route to teaching your teen about embracing their fitness is clear instruction, challenging enterprises, and formidable expectancies.