Category: Travel & Recreation

Field Trips USA

Fifteen of the best field trip destinations in the US that have lots of educational value and would be memorable family vacations as well.

Facts About Servicing Your Car

Infographic: Whether you do it yourself or take your car to a professional service technician, a maintenance schedule will help keep your vehicle safe, dependable, and on the road longer.

Summer Camping Trip

By Josh My family always goes camping in the middle of August to pick raspberries and watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. So we packed our Ford Expedition and drove from our house in the desert up to the forest. On the way there, we stopped at a place called Garlic Paradise just off the freeway. […]

Senior Road Trip

By Sara The summer before my last year of high school education my mother decided we needed to go on a road trip. I guess she figured that this would be our last summer together as I was planning on starting college right away. We did not have much money at the time, but she […]

An American Teenager: My Life & Experiences In Costa Rica

For the month of February, I was unable to write due to a few fun excursions I took part in. My younger brothers’ school was taking a field trip into the mountains to a Christian camp, and I joined them as a volunteer. I received 72 hours of volunteer hours for the trip, where my […]

Adventure in Israel

By Joseph W. A few weeks ago, my dad, brother, and I went to Israel. We had many fun experiences, but I’ll only mention a few of them. On our first day in Israel, we went to Caesarea National Park. Caesarea National Park boasts a Roman theater, a crusader city, the Byzantine square, a palace, […]