By Zara
The value of educational tours for teenagers cannot be underestimated. They provide the teen with an opportunity to discover more about the world, different cultures, and themselves. When tours like this are organized, certain rules and guidelines are followed to ensure the safety of the teen. However, some simple tips can be followed, even when packing, to prevent issues from arising on the trip itself.
* When packing, the teen should be advised not to pack items like expensive jewellery. There is no real necessity for this and they can easily be lost or stolen.
* Clothes should be packed according to the climate of the destination, what activities will be done and the length of the trip. Going on a trip with inappropriate clothing can be disastrous. For example, a good pair of walking shoes is essential.
* Carry-on luggage should contain all travel documents and they should be easily accessible.
* Chargers and batteries for electronic items like iPods, MP3 players and laptops must be remembered.
A First Aid Kit and Medication
* Taking along a first aid kit containing a few basic items such as band aids, aspirins, and motion sickness and diarrhoea tablets is important.
* Medication for conditions like asthma, allergies and diabetes need to be packed so as to be readily available. The group leader must be informed of the condition and of what to do in event of an emergency. Extra medication should also be taken along in case of unexpected emergencies.
* It is important to be prepared by finding out as much as possible about the currency, customs and language of the country as possible. This can prevent many incidents such as being ripped off financially due to lack of awareness of the value of the currency.
* Look for a good phrasebook to take along. This could be a great help when confronted with a situation where communication in a foreign language as necessary. There is nothing worse than being separated from the group and not being able to be understood at all.
* It is vital to be aware of the surroundings at all times. Keep eyes and ears open and pay attention. This is why group leaders usually have rules about not leaving the group without permission and no drinking or taking drugs. Keeping to these guidelines is essential to safety in foreign surroundings.
* Some cash is necessary but carrying too much around is an invitation to trouble.
* A debit or credit card is useful but just be aware that the fees may be high.
* Passports, visas and travel insurance must be applied for well in advance of a trip as they can take time to issue.
* A visa is necessary for entrance into a number of countries. Indian visas, for example, are required for entry into India.
* Travel insurance is important for instances where luggage may be mislaid or medical emergencies arise.
No one appreciates too many rules, particularly teenagers, but certain guidelines are necessary to keep them safe on such a trip. With a few simple guidelines, any teenager can benefit greatly from going on an educational tour.