Month: December 2012

Anna & Isa

How do you like the colorful new banner on Homeschooling Teen’s website? Meet Anna and Isa, the two artistically talented sisters who created it!

Moody Bible Institute

Mission: equip students to handle the Word of God with precision and passion. Moody Bible Institute (MBI) is a Christian institution of higher education that was originally founded as the Chicago Evangelization Society by evangelist Dwight L. Moody in January 1886. He intended it to be a place where young evangelists could learn the skills […]

What Can You Do with a Theology Degree?

Theology students receive specialized training in religious studies at a university, seminary, or divinity school. Most people think of theology in terms of graduate studies, but the degree is also a professional one, preparing people for teaching or ministry. In some contexts a distinction is made between theology, which is seen as involving a personal commitment […]

Easing the Transition from Home-Classrooms to College Lecture Halls

By Barbara Jolie Transitioning from high school to college can be a daunting experience for anyone, but it can be exceptionally difficult for some home schoolers. Studies show that academically home school children have nothing to worry about since their independent style of learning and studying comes in handy in college. However, since some don’t […]

Four Common Misconceptions Movies Taught us About College

By Nancy Wood I grew up reading books, studying television shows, and watching movies to learn all about the college experience. Over time, I cultivated a set of preconceived notions and ridiculous assumptions regarding what I could expect from a four-year university based solely on these three art forms. I was homeschooled throughout elementary, junior […]

Stepping Stones: A Monthly Devotional

by Michaela Popielski Well I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Turkey pumpkin pie, stuffing and the infamous food coma. Always a blast. For this article I was pondering ideas when a person in our church spoke on character. I knew what character was, I just wasn’t paying attention to how I was perceived to […]

“No Controversy” Hides a Growing Environmental Concern

by Eleanor Frances Melinda Gates [wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates] means well. She wants African women to use contraceptives. She is reaching out to poor African women, and her idea sounds helpful till you consider how Africa’s drinking water, often lacking modern treatment facilities, is negatively affected by the estrogen contamination that accompanies widespread […]

Self-Publishing: An Easy, Free Way to Publish Your Work

by Madeleine This is a how-to article. The world needs more writers with strong voices, and who better than to fill that need that teens? After all, we are the next generation. We should write, and say something worthwhile—shape the future of our world. Self-publishing is a great opportunity for anyone, but especially for young […]

Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore

Bookshelf of a (Maybe) Teen Author, by Emily Russell Once you’ve seen, you can’t unsee. Some of my lovely readers may remember my review of Rippler, the first in a sci-fi(ish) YA trilogy by Cidney Swanson. I loved that book, and the rest of the trilogy. They were some of the best secular books I’ve read; […]

Made in Heaven, by Ray Comfort & Jeffrey Seto

The simplicity yet intricacy of God’s brilliant handiwork – from atoms to snowflakes to insects to plants to humans – has long astounded and inspired engineers. Biomimicry, also known as biomimetics, is the science that seeks to understand and imitate these proven mechanics of design from the natural world in order to solve mankind’s problems. […]

Wii U

By Nick Maker It’s that time of the month when parents are ready to spend their money on their kids’ presents and what better way to spend it than on the new Wii U Gaming Console released on November 18, 2012! The Wii U is a recent revolutionary gaming with your family and friends. Nintendo […]

Record of Lodoss War

An Anime Review by Xbolt Record of Lodoss War came out in 1990, thus taking the crown of the oldest anime I have watched thus far. It was introduced to me as “basically Dungeons & Dragons: The Anime.” And that’s quite true. The complicated story line of Lodoss War borrows heavily from The Lord of […]

The Life of Joe

*Story contains a depiction of Hell and may not be suitable for all readers. **Story contains the following words which are used in a non-profane, Biblical manner: Hell Hellish Adultery Lust The Life of Joe, by Andrew It was a dim and bleak life for Joe. His love had died and he was fired from […]

A Poem by Gilgal

What’s Wrong? By Gilgal Queen Soldiers. Alone, in a faraway land Away from the ones that they love. Fighting and dying, Their loved ones home crying Hoping that one day they’re back. Freedom. To chose despite regulations Cast off by so many throngs In a public school now You can’t even pray You’ve just got […]

The Sports Report, by Caela

Thanksgiving Day Football Games There were three football games on Thanksgiving. The first game was between the Houston Texans and the Detroit Lions. In the first quarter the Lions scored a touchdown to make the game 7-0 that is how the first quarter ended. The second quarter had four touchdowns in total. The Texans scored […]