Mission: equip students to handle the Word of God with precision and passion. 
Moody Bible Institute (MBI) is a Christian institution of higher education that was originally founded as the Chicago Evangelization Society by evangelist Dwight L. Moody in January 1886. He intended it to be a place where young evangelists could learn the skills necessary to carry on the Revivalist tradition. As such, it would serve as a training school for the “education and training of Christian workers, including teachers, ministers, missionaries and musicians who may completely and effectively proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
After Moody’s death, the Chicago Evangelization Society was renamed the Moody Bible Institute. Since its founding, the main campus has been located in Chicago. Moody Theological Seminary, the graduate studies branch of Chicago-based Moody Bible Institute, is located in Michigan. The combined size of the Chicago and Michigan student bodies places Moody in the top 15 percent of seminaries in the country. MBI is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the Association for Biblical Higher Education, and the National Association of Schools of Music. MTS- Michigan is fully accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.
MBI offers a two-year Associates of Biblical Studies degree, a Bachelor of Arts degree in over two dozen fields, a Bachelor of Science degree in Biblical Studies, and a five-year Bachelor of Music degree in Music & Worship. MBI also has a satellite school in Spokane, Washington that offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Missionary Aviation Technology. (For a complete list of undergraduate programs, see http://www.moody.edu/edu_MainPage.aspx?id=1588.) The graduate division of MBI offers the following degrees at the seminary level: Master of Arts in Christian Education, Master of Theological Studies, and Master of Divinity with several fields of emphasis, and a Master of Arts in Counseling/ Psychology.
In addition to the undergraduate and graduate courses for academic credit, MBI offers certificate programs and non-credit continuing education courses for personal enrichment and professional development. In 1926, MBI sponsored the first non-commercial Christian radio station in America, WMBI. This radio outreach grew into the Moody Broadcasting Network, which now owns and operates 35 commercial-free stations and provides programming via satellite to more than 700 outlets. The Institute also established several other programs including the Moody Institute of Science and Moody Publishers. (The Moody Science Classics vintage science film series has long been a homeschool family favorite.)
MBI welcomes applications from students of diverse ethnicity, interests and abilities. Each application is evaluated on its own merits, and the school provides an opportunity for self-expression in responding to the essay questions. However, since more students apply than can be accommodated on campus, MBI uses a selective process for admission. This process gives highest consideration to applicants with the strongest recommendations, academic credentials, evidence of proven Christian character, evangelistic zeal, and highest motivation for pursuing a career in full-time Christian ministry.
According to the MBI admission requirements, the candidate must maintain a lifestyle consistent with biblical standards that marks itself by a daily walk with Christ, a consistent prayer life, strong character traits, and abstinence from the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. A life of discipline, evidence of emotional maturity, developed social skills, Christian identity, and positive influence with peers are also strongly weighed in the evaluation process. See: http://www.moody.edu/edu_MainPage.aspx?id=1808
To be admitted and to graduate, students must personally adhere to and support the Doctrinal Qualifications for Students. In addition, the candidate must be an active participant in a Protestant church and participate in regular worship attendance and church ministry opportunities. A positive recommendation from the pastoral leadership of the church is required. All character references will be thoroughly evaluated to establish the spiritual qualifications of prospective students.
Generally, a candidate must be recognized as a high school graduate. MBI does not impose specific secondary course requirements for admissions, but a minimum of 12 units of academic subjects (including English grammar and composition) must be completed by the time of application. No units are granted for health and activity courses such as physical education, choir, band, driver’s education or vocational courses. Word processing skills and computer literacy are encouraged for a student admitted into MBI. ACT and/or SAT scores play an important role in the admission evaluation process. MBI also accepts transfer credits, CLEP or validation of other learning.
MBI “recognizes home schooling as a viable educational alternative and welcomes applications from qualified home-schooled students who desire to pursue training for full-time Christian ministry. In recent years, many such students have enrolled in the undergraduate program. In the assessment of home-schooled candidates, the Institute looks for the same scholastic and spiritual qualifications sought in any applicant. The candidate must submit an official transcript or GED score report, plus ACT or SAT scores for evaluation. GED test results must be 225 or above in order to apply.” See: http://www.moody.edu/edu_MainPage.aspx?id=1816
All MBI students are expected to adhere to a “Student Life Guide” that provides guidelines for living while on and off campus. Students must abstain from tobacco and drinking alcohol. Students are free to take dance lessons and dance at celebration ceremonies, but there are no school-sanctioned dance activities. In addition, freshmen must abide by curfew requirements (11:00 pm on weekdays, and 1:00 am on weekends). For those with commitments to family, church, employment and community who choose not to participate in the residential campus experience, a Distance Learning program is available.
MBI is committed to helping you live out God’s calling by preparing you for full-time ministry in churches and parachurch organizations. Through world-class training, you’ll learn to correctly handle the Word of God and better understand your role in taking the Word to the world with a foundation from a Christian Theological Seminary. For more information, visit the following websites:
- http://www.moody.edu (Moody Bible Institute)
- http://www.mts.edu (Moody Theological Seminary)