The Politics of the Real American Founding Almost 250 years ago our Founders established the freest and most prosperous nation in human history.
7 Revolutionary War Sites Your Teen Should Know Visiting these Revolutionary War sites is a great way to share your love of American history with your teen.
“My Body My Choice” – Now Do As I Say and Get the Vax! Whatever happened to “My Body My Choice”? You can’t have it both ways!
Students Ashamed to be American are Clueless About America College students who can’t answer simple questions about American history talk about how ungrateful they are to be American!
12 Most Patriotic Places in America Explore America’s history and rekindle your patriotism at these patriotic places!
PragerForce Students: Dealing With the Woke Mob Dennis Prager recently sat down with some PragerFORCE students to answer questions on how to be bold in a world that forces groupthink.
Civil Rights in American History Examine the pursuit of justice and equality from the American founding through today in Hillsdale’s newest online course, “Civil Rights in American History.”
A Warning from Cuban Exile Maximo Alvarez: “There is no other place to go.” Cuban immigrant Maximo Alvarez says Democrats are like Fidel Castro and if they take over America: “There is no other place to go.”
Liberty University: Training Champions for Christ Study at the beautiful Liberty University campus in central Virginia or online from anywhere in the world!
Religious Persecution in the Land of the Free? In this time of crisis, as fires and riots rage across our country, we need our churches like never before.
Homeschool Participants Needed for Graduate Research Liberty University School of Education doctoral candidate seeks homeschool participants for a graduate research study.
Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure The National Monument to the Forefathers was erected in remembrance of their labors, sacrifices and sufferings for the cause of liberty.
Freedom: The History of Western Liberties Without a vision, the people perish. Let’s cast a vision of freedom for this generation.
Gun Control Limits Freedoms, Tightens Grip of Federal Government As a policy, gun control stands directly in the way of personal liberty.