The Historic Comeback of Donald Trump Trump won what can only be called the most remarkable political comeback in our lifetimes and possibly in American history.
The Rise and Fall of Nations The United States will be 248 years old this July. Throughout history, most empires have lasted less than 250 years!
Paul Harvey’s “If I Were the Devil” Transcript It is really amazing to realize 60 years ago how accurately Paul Harvey “prophesied” the future condition of the United States!
The History and Science of Leap Days 2024 is a Leap Year! Whether you’re a Leap Day baby or not, let’s celebrate on February 29th! Because it only comes around once every four years!
Infographic: Self Care for the New Year This practical infographic highlights the value of ten helpful self-care practices.
Infographic: Thanksgiving Timeline Explore the history and facts about Thanksgiving Day in this informational timeline.
The Democratic Party of Death, Destruction, and Debauchery The historical platform of the Democratic Party was slavery, secession, and segregation. Today it’s death, destruction, and debauchery.
Last Second Halloween Costumes Infographic Have you had your costume planned for weeks, or are you throwing together your ensemble at the last minute?
Christianity vs Culture in America Have you ever encountered discrimination or persecution based on your religious beliefs?
Infographic: Easy Homemade Ice Cream “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” July is National Ice Cream Month!
SUN MOON Coming to Pure Flix on May 5 (Review + Giveaway!) SUN MOON is a sweet and beautiful film that will capture your heart while immersing you in Taiwanese culture and making you crave boba tea.
Infographic: Saint Patrick’s Day Facts Fun, educational, and sometimes surprising, this Saint Patrick infographic is full of interesting facts. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Lan Tsubata Lee: Director of “Dancing Joy” “Dancing Joy,” a film directed by Lan Tsubata Lee, celebrates the innate beauty in every culture and people.
Amazing Historical Sites around Albany, New York, to Visit with Your Homeschoolers Here are some amazing historical sites to visit around Albany, New York.
Thriving 101: Free E-course for American Patriots Why is thriving so important? It’s a word that seems to encompass the very genius of America, what has been called American exceptionalism.
6 Reasons To Send Your Teen on a Gap Year Here are six reasons you may want to consider sending your child on a gap year to another country.
How to Cope with Culture Shock (Infographic) This infographic covers the main symptoms and phases of culture shock, and provides tips to overcome it.
Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution SCHOOLHOUSE ROCKED is a feature film that shows how homeschooling is good for students, good for families, and good for culture!
Girl Gamers and Gender Inequality in eSports The problem of discrimination is a real challenge in every sphere – even virtual worlds!
Spanish Cultural Program for Teenagers This four-month Spanish Cultural Program includes a reading club, screening of short films, poetry recitals, and introductory workshops on creative writing.
My Grandmother’s Feet In “My Grandmother’s Feet,” I tell the story of a woman who has volunteered, bettered the world and traveled around the globe.