Tag: creativity

29 Ways to Stay Creative

For this post we’ve put together “29 Ways To Stay Creative” in three different ways: 1) as a list; 2) as an infographic; and 3) as a video.

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

The Razor’s Edge, by Madeleine Richey Are you a writer, a painter, a sculptor—an artist in any form? As a young artist, it can be hard to be recognized for your work and even harder if you are homeschooled and do not have a school that regularly hosts awards and provides opportunities to display your […]

Zev Hoover

Zev Hoover is a 14-year-old homeschooled student and self-taught photographer who lives in the Boston suburb of Natick, Massachusetts. The bright-eyed redhead has become quite an internet sensation lately due to his fanciful photos of digitally miniaturized people, many of which are self-portraits. On the Flickr image hosting site, Zev’s username is Fiddle Oak, a […]