Algorithmic art blends creativity with technology to produce innovative and thought-provoking works.
Tag: creativity
StudyCorgi Annual Video Scholarship Contest
Infographic: April Showers Bring May Flowers
40 Things You Can Do to Break Your Creative Block
Considering Homeschool For Your Kids: Pros and Cons
Tips For Keeping Your Teen Focused In Homeschool
Why Critical Thinking Matters: 6 Benefits
Helping Kids Enjoy Piano Through Jazz – And Boosting Academic Progress Too
Over the Moon: Taking Imagination and Science to New Heights
29 Ways to Stay Creative
Home Videos: How Creating Videos Benefits Homeschoolers
Alma Deutscher: Homeschooled Music Prodigy
11 Famous Books Inspired by Dreams
What Your Teen Can Learn From Textiles
2018 SC Student Short Film Competition
A Date with Destiny: Video Games Teach Life Lessons
6 Ways to Use Instagram in Your Classroom
Soft Skills for the Modern Workplace
College Life Dilemma – Make Learning Stress-free
Engaging Your Homeschooled Teens to Express Themselves with Photography Online
By Ken Photography can be an excellent medium for a teen to express him or herself which doesn’t have to cost a lot of money in today’s world. As nearly all smartphones have decent photographic capabilities, many teens have access to world of beauty and art in their pockets. As most children relish in receiving […]
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Razor’s Edge, by Madeleine Richey Are you a writer, a painter, a sculptor—an artist in any form? As a young artist, it can be hard to be recognized for your work and even harder if you are homeschooled and do not have a school that regularly hosts awards and provides opportunities to display your […]
Zev Hoover
Zev Hoover is a 14-year-old homeschooled student and self-taught photographer who lives in the Boston suburb of Natick, Massachusetts. The bright-eyed redhead has become quite an internet sensation lately due to his fanciful photos of digitally miniaturized people, many of which are self-portraits. On the Flickr image hosting site, Zev’s username is Fiddle Oak, a […]