Tag: bible

River of No Return

Break free from the river of no return that drowns you in sin, and seek the gentle river where peace flows over you.

Paul, Apostle of Christ – in Theaters on Friday!

Paul is arguably the most influential person in Christianity after Jesus Christ. Without Paul, most of the New Testament wouldn’t exist, and our understanding of God and His nature would still be shrouded in the mystical practices of early Judaism. In Paul, Apostle of Christ, writer/director Andrew Hyatt attempts to distill the essential story and […]

Is Genesis History? Win a Free DVD!

is genesis history

NOTE: The contest for the free DVD is over (congratulations, Diann!), but you can buy a copy on Amazon. What exactly happened, “In the beginning …” and in the time that followed? Throughout most of history, Genesis was considered an accurate and reliable record, but over the past 250 years, it has become one of […]