Online Creation Apologetics Courses from AiG

Learn How to Defend Your Faith

Answers Education Online® brings some of AiG’s best resources to your computer through reading assignments, videos, quizzes, and discussion forums with instructors and other students—all designed to equip you as a believer in Christ. Four self-paced courses are now available for teens through adults. Great for homeschoolers, teachers, parents, and creation speakers!

For homeschoolers seeking to use these courses for high school credit, CAP 101 is equivalent to one semester of science or social studies credit; the others are equivalent to one-half semester each. In addition, ACSI teachers can receive 4 ACSI-accredited Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for CAP 101 and 2 ACSI-accredited Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for each of the others.

Enroll today and save 20% using code AEO2018 in your cart. Savings expires 5-31-18.

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Choose one or more of the following courses

We recommend that CAP 101 Foundations in Creation Apologetics be completed first, because the others build on the ideas presented in the Foundations course.

CAP 101: Foundations in Creation Apologetics

This 15-lesson online course will give you a firm foundation in a biblical worldview and the fundamental ideas of apologetics (how you defend your faith), while helping you understand the battle between the authority of Scripture and the authority of man in modern culture. The course will arm you with knowledge and resources to help you engage the creation/ evolution debate, and will review the scriptural foundation that refutes those who compromise Scripture by espousing ideas like progressive creation and theistic evolution. In addition, you will study important concepts in biology and geology to become better able to explain how science confirms the truth of Scripture. Homeschoolers seeking to use this course for high school credit can consider this the equivalent of one semester of science or social studies credit.

CAP 202: Creation Apologetics and Biology

This 7-lesson course will teach you how to defend the biblical account of creation in the area of biology and deepen your commitment to the authority of Scripture as the ultimate source of truth—even in the field of biology. This course is a primer on molecular genetics, proteins, and phylogenetic trees. Topics include the basic concepts behind genetics, mutations, and natural selection; the “icons of evolution” and how they are misused to convince people of the “fact” of evolution; and an overview of the history of evolutionary theory in culture and society. Homeschoolers seeking to use this course for high school credit can consider this the equivalent of one-half semester of science or social studies credit.

CAP 203: Creation Apologetics and Geology

This 7-lesson course will teach you how to defend the biblical account of Creation and the Flood in the area of geology and deepen your commitment to the authority of Scripture as the ultimate source of truth—even in the field of geology. Homeschoolers seeking to use this course for high school credit can consider this the equivalent of one-half semester of science or social studies credit. Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Relate the origin of the concept of millions of years as a Christian compromise position.
  • State the basic concepts behind radiometric dating methods.
  • Describe major differences between Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism.
  • Describe the layers of the geologic column and the fossils they contain as a result of the original Creation events and the Flood.
  • Use specific examples of geologic anomalies to discredit Uniformitarianism.
  • Describe how plate tectonics and the Flood have played an important role in shaping the earth.

CAP 204: Creation Apologetics and Astronomy

he Creation Apologetics and Astronomy course was just totally updated featuring Dr. Danny Faulkner as the key teacher! This 7-lesson course will teach you how to defend the young age of the universe and demonstrate the reliability of the biblical accounts of astronomy. Other topics include the “problem” of distant starlight, the existence of extraterrestrial life, and problems with the big-bang hypothesis. God has created the heavens to declare his glory and this course will equip you to proclaim that message in the field of astronomy. Homeschoolers seeking to use this course for high school credit can consider this the equivalent of one-half semester of science or social studies credit.

CAP 201: Creation Apologetics and the Bible (Coming Soon)

This 7-lesson course will teach you how to defend the Bible’s integrity with a deeper understanding of its authority. Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Debunk claims that the Bible contradicts itself in many places.
  • Explain the authority of the Bible based on its internal consistency and manuscript integrity.
  • Describe how different writing styles are used in different sections of the Old Testament.
  • Describe archaeological finds that confirm the Bible’s accounts.
  • Use biblical genealogies to defend a 6,000 year age for the earth.
  • Refute compromise positions such as intelligent design and progressive creationism based on biblical authority.
  • Communicate the consequences of the Flood and the Babel account as described in Genesis 1–11.

Save 20% when you enroll today and use code AEO2018 in your cart. Savings expires 5-31-18. Click here:

Disclaimer: We did not receive any compensation for this post, but we wanted to share the info with you because it’s a great opportunity to get these courses at a discount.

What types of activities and courses have you used as electives? Leave a comment and we may include yours in a future column!

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