Happy November! This month’s issue of Homeschooling Teen magazine is online. Read all of these articles and more at HomeschoolingTeen.com!
Homeschooling Teen Profile
Marli earned dual credit for high school and college while participating in international missions work.
Homeschool Friendly College
GMU was named after George Mason, one of the founding fathers of the United States.
Homeschooling High School
Things to Keep in Mind When Taking Classes Online
If you’re planning to attend online classes or have already started, there are a few things that can help you succeed.
Guest Column
The Effectiveness of Individual Teens Learning At Home
The decision to choose individual home learning for your teenager can be supported by these strong benefits.
Homeschool Electives
Life Prep for Homeschooled Teenagers
A Parent-Friendly Curriculum for Teaching Teens to Handle Money, Live Moral Lives and Get Ready for Adulthood.
College Life
5 Powerful Tools to Help Your Writing Spark
Here are five powerful tools to help your writing spark and fuel your writing process.
Top 10 Criminal Justice Careers
You can find a rewarding career in law enforcement, or another segment of criminology.
Readers Write
A story about the effect of minimum wage on youth employment.
Life Through a Teen’s Eyes
The 4-H Forestry program teaches youth about trees and forests.
Homeschool Characters in Literature and Film
Little Women: A Heartwarming Story for Girls of All Ages
Little Women is a fictionalized autobiography of Louisa May Alcott and her sisters.
Movie Reviews
Barry Levinson’s heartfelt masterpiece perfectly captures the Jewish experience in America.
Books by Homeschoolers
Amazing 5 Books to Read If You Are a Homeschooling Parent
The Homeschool Experiment, The Way They Learn, The Well-Trained Mind, Pocketful of Pinecones, and 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child’s Potential.
Marvelous Little Discovery
ARKI Teen Authors Award; Why is this Crucial?
Alifia tells about her experiences in the Academy of Creative Youth Indonesia.
The Private Eye: A Guide to Developing the Interdisciplinary Mind
An interdisciplinary STEM program that combines science with creative thinking.
Teen Tech Talk
DeskCycle: My New Workout Buddy
The DeskCycle turns your desk into a fun fitness work station.
Need a Clue?
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
There is a very good mod called “the sith lord restored content modification” that fixes most of the issues with this game.
Game Reviews
Too bad if you do something stupid in real life, you can’t rewind your way out of it.
Zach’s Reviews
This game takes place in 1968 and you play as Lincoln Clay, an African American Vietnam soldier.
Zoe’s Art Corner
Here is a drawing I made of Shay Volta from the game Broken Age.
10 Unusual Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well
From ice cream taster to embalmer, check out these unusual jobs that have surprisingly good salaries.