Healthy Tips for Back-to-School Here are some healthy tips on how to stay in good health as you start the school year.
Drug Rehab USA Mental Health Scholarship Opportunity to Support Your Mental Health Education: Drug Rehab USA Mental Health Scholarship.
Just Do It For Yourself And Not For Anyone Else Embrace the spirit of “Just Do It” for yourself, and don’t depend on the approval of others.
Navigating Homeschooling Challenges: A Guide to Fostering Teen Mental Health Homeschooled teens aren’t exempt from the common mental health struggles teen students face.
The Dynamics of Online Socialization for Homeschooled Kids and Parental Concerns With the proper controls, you can foster a healthy “hybrid” social environment for your child.
The Importance of Socialization for Homeschooled Teens Explore various socialization opportunities to find the right one that suits your teen the best.
Understanding Academic Stress: How to Identify and Prevent Teen Burnout Is your student suffering from teen burnout? Here are 4 signs to look out for – plus 4 ways you can help them get through it.
5 Ways To Turn Your Home Into the Hangout Spot for Your Teen and Their Friends How to make your home into a fun and welcoming hangout spot for teens.
Navigating the Difficult Teen Emotions During Homeschooling Learning how to navigate difficult teen emotions during homeschooling isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.
How to Stop Being Insecure: A List of Practical Tips The team at IvyPanda recently made an informative article on how to stop being insecure.
How to Cope with Culture Shock (Infographic) This infographic covers the main symptoms and phases of culture shock, and provides tips to overcome it.
Is Instagram Harmful to Teen Girls? Instagram paused its rollout of a tween version after it was slammed for ignoring research that found the app harmed teen girls.
Teen Depression: Worse Than a Bad Day Feeling depressed? Changing your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking are all natural depression treatments.
Tweens, Teens, Tech and Mental Health Tweens, Teens, Tech and Mental Health synthesizes what is known about the relationship between adolescents’ mental health and digital technology use.
Prioritizing Your Teen’s Health in the Digital Age Smartphones and social media have seen some criticism in recent years for harming the mental and physical health of teenagers.
How Your Pet Can Improve Your Studying Routine There are many ways in which a pet can improve your studying routine.
To Teach Your Teen to Care for Wildlife, Start in Your Own Backyard What can homeschooling parents do to encourage teens to care for wildlife and take a more active role in preserving the environment?
The Recovery Village Health Care Scholarship Have you witnessed the challenges that addiction can present, or helped someone overcome substance use disorder?
12 Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder [Infographic] Here are 12 indications that you have an anxiety disorder; the more symptoms you have, the more severe is your anxiety.
Having a Bad Day? Retrain Your Brain! Be alert for negativity and don’t let your brain become emotionally involved with it.