Professor David Clements: “LET MY PEOPLE GO” Documentary Professor David Clements has produced a documentary titled “LET MY PEOPLE GO,” which critically examines the important topic of election integrity in the United States.
Website Compiles List of Book Trigger Warnings for Over 6,000 Titles A Wikipedia-style website has compiled a list of trigger warnings for more than 6,000 books – including classics from Jane Austen and Charles Dickens.
The Seedy Side of the Metaverse Probe finds teens are exposed to grooming and rape threats in the seedy side of the Metaverse.
Say Goodbye to Google Say “Goodbye to Google” for excluding conservatives, Christians, and freedom-loving patriots from the public square.
Media Research Center Launches #FreeSpeechAmerica to Battle Big Tech Fact-checking the fact checkers: the MRC just launched #FreeSpeechAmerica to push back against Big Tech’s abuse of power.
The Curious Story Behind The Epoch Times What is the Epoch Times and Why Did It Arrive in My Mailbox?
Without You, There Is No Us, by Suki Kim This memoir by a journalist posing as an English teacher offers a rare glimpse into another world.
Choosing Books: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury A dystopian novel that depicts a society in which life has become empty and devoid of meaning.