In recent years, gaslighting has become the favored word for the practice of deception and manipulation.
Tag: american
SAGU American Indian College
Christopher Hartless: Teen Chooses to Homeschool Rather Than Take American Flags off His Truck
American Hat Makers Scholarship Contest 2023
Let’s Make July American Pride Month
CarIndigo Scholarship for African American Students
American Heritage Series with Historian David Barton
The American Hat Makers Scholarship
Thank You, President Trump
Televised Animation: East vs. West
Horse Breed Heaven: The American Saddlebred
By Kayla Bignall Hi there horse fans! This month we will be discussing the American Saddlebred. The American Saddlebred is a larger horse. It stands at 15-17 hands and weighs 1000 to 1200 pounds. It originated in Kentucky and Missouri with bloodlines from Morgans, Thoroughbreds, and English horses. There are no color restrictions for Saddlebreds […]
Horse Breed Heaven: American Quarter Horse
By Kayla Bignall Hi there horse fans! This month we will be discussing the American Quarter Horse. The American Quarter Horse American Quarter Horses originated in the 1600s along the New England coast. They have a mix of Arabian, Turk, Thoroughbred, and English Horse Breed ancestry. These horses are very versatile. They are calm for […]
His Story, His World
New Column! by Aubrey Hi! My name is Aubrey Tuggle, and I am a seventeen year old junior. I am the oldest of three siblings under seven, so the house is never quiet! However, I still find time to pursue my hobbies of reading and writing. I would love to become a freelance writer, and am pursuing a writing career. […]