For the past five years, 15-year-old Miro Siegel and his mom have been immersing themselves in international travel as an alternative form of education called world schooling.
Issue: June 2014
Sierra Nevada College
Six Ways to Improve Your Relationship With Your Roommates
Advantages of Education Related Technology
Technology in the field of education is providing better opportunities to students and teachers alike.
Emergency Management
Emergency management professionals develop plans and procedures for responding to natural disasters, terrorism, and other emergencies.
Illegal Border Traffic is Hazardous to the Environment
Dear Maya Angelou
Three Gifts God Has Given Me
My First Trip
My first summer away from home I got my sister back and my first time on an airplane was a first class experience.
My Journey through the Ages
Book Review: The Hiding Place
Book Review: Rising, by Holly Kelly
8 Great Apps for Summer Learning
Kino’s Journey
Homeschool Stereotypes, by Gabrielle Reed
Writing Contest Honorable Mention.
Superfood SuperGuide
Superfoods are good for your body inside and out. With lots of nutrients but not a lot of calories, they pack a big PUNCH!