Good News: Bible Sales are Booming! An interesting trend in book sales gives a glimpse of hope – there’s been a recent surge in Bible sales!
The Christmas Story as Told in the Bible The Christmas story, also known as the Nativity story, recounts the birth of Jesus Christ and is central to the Christian tradition.
Why the Ten Commandments Belong in Classrooms The Ten Commandments are good rules to live by, whether you’re religious or not.
Deep Waters Project: Bible Experience Journal Enhance your Bible study experience with the Deep Waters Project Bible Experience Journal.
A Biblical Case Against Theistic Evolution In “A Biblical Case against Theistic Evolution,” leading Bible scholars explore why the theory of theistic evolution conflicts with Christian doctrine.
Give it to God and Go to Sleep in Peace If there’s something on your mind that’s keeping you up at night, try giving it to God so you can sleep in peace.
How Did We Get the Bibles We Have Today? You can find a great Bible translation to learn about what the Apostles saw and heard.
Anne Wilson: REBEL Signed CD Giveaway Anne Wilson’s REBEL album fuses the heart of Contemporary Christian Music with the sound of Country.
THE HOPEFUL THE HOPEFUL is the true story of a community whose lives were transformed as they learn what it means to truly wait for Jesus.
Biblical New Year Resolutions Ten Biblically-based New Year’s Resolutions that will help you grow in your faith.
Is Hell Real? Did you ever hear a pastor say that Jesus never preached Hell, he only preached Love? Seriously??? Read the Bible!
Christianity vs Culture in America Have you ever encountered discrimination or persecution based on your religious beliefs?
What Does the Bible Say About Homeschooling? The Bible gives some principles and examples that can guide Christian parents in their educational choices.
Celebrate Christmas in July with Pure Flix! PureFlix is celebrating Christmas in July with lots of cool movies.
Homeschooling Duties of Fathers Homeschool fathers should be involved as much as possible in their children’s education.
The Power of Prayer The National Day of Prayer is annually celebrated on the first Thursday in May. Learn more about the power of prayer.
Southern Gospel, The Movie – in Theaters March 10 A rock and roll star must fight his past demons to achieve his childhood dream of becoming a preacher.
Jesus Revolution: A Powerful True Story of Revival! The true story of a national spiritual awakening in the early 1970’s and its origins within a community of teenage hippies in Southern California.
Introducing The TEXT Bible The TEXT Bible is designed to help you uncover the message between God, humanity, and YOU. ENTER TO WIN A FREE COPY!
The Apollo 8 Christmas Eve Broadcast Did you know that on Christmas Eve, 1968, the Apollo 8 crew took turns reading from the book of Genesis in a live broadcast?
Biblical Reasons to Homeschool Whose wisdom are your children being taught? Here are some Biblical Reasons to Homeschool.