Infographic: How to Avoid Scams in College Students need to be aware of the common scams in college and how to avoid them.
College Application Guide (Infographic) This infographic covers the college admissions process in detail, reviews common mistakes, and gives tips for all college applicants.
How To Help Your Homeschooler with a Speech Impediment Speech patterns that are cute for kindergarteners can become an embarrassing speech impediment for teens.
Healthy Food for Your Homeschooled Teen’s Healthy Brain Assuring your teen is ready for a full day of learning can start by ensuring their brain is properly fueled and ready.
Tips to Encourage Summer Learning (Infographic) The Summer Learning Infographic highlights important facts about summer brain drain and provides simple tips to encourage learning during summer.
9 Ultimate Cyber Security Tips for Students Students should remember a few essential cyber security tips. You can find them in this infographic on how to protect your devices from cyber threats.
Boost Your Haiku IQ A fun infographic to teach the basics of haiku poetry including the history, structure, and content of the popular and compact poetic form.
How to Cope with Culture Shock (Infographic) This infographic covers the main symptoms and phases of culture shock, and provides tips to overcome it.
The Value of Extracurricular Activities (Infographic) This infographic explores the value of extracurricular activities from academic success to landing your dream job.
The Benefits of Exercise for Teens (Infographic) An infographic that features the benefits of exercise for teens.
A Christmas Carol Infographic Check out this infographic to learn more about Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.”
Infographic: 12 Sleep Routines for Teens An infographic designed to help teens develop better sleep routines at night so that they can be happy and productive all day.
Infographic: Cybersecurity Threats for Students This infographic covers common cybersecurity threats students may face and provides online safety tips.
10 Funky Bookmobiles Around the World 10 funky bookmobiles, from repurposed war tanks to busses, bikes, and even donkeys!
Negotiation Skills, Tips & Tactics {Infographic} Check out this infographic to get a complete picture of the negotiation process.
Summer Outdoor Safety Tips Infographic A colorful infographic featuring nine summer outdoor safety tips to safeguard your season’s getaways.
How to Design an Infographic Are you thinking of making your first infographic? Here are some tips on how to present your information clearly and quickly.
Ten Psychological Disorders Explained The first step in the treatment of psychological disorders is recognizing that a problem exists.
8 Self-Care Tips to Defeat Stress (Infographic) These tips are designed to help you defeat stress by taking care of your physical and mental health.
The Simple Dollar Interactive Teen’s Guide to Home Buying An interactive financial literacy and home buying guide for middle schoolers and teenagers, from The Simple Dollar.
25 High-Paying College Alternatives Looking for the best careers you can get without a college degree? This infographic features 25 high-paying college alternatives!
10 New Year Resolutions You Should Set For 2021 The most dramatic and traumatic year has finally come to an end, so have you planned any new year resolutions?