Happy July!
The start of July is the time of our Independence Day celebration, the favorite holiday of American patriots. It’s also National Parks and Recreation Month!
July actually marks the halfway point of the year. So it’s a good time to look back at the year so far, think of what you’ve learned, and consider what you’d like to do next.
An unofficial holiday, Christmas in July, is usually recognized as July 25th but it is also sometimes celebrated on July 12th. (Hmm, is that why they have Amazon Prime Day on July 12th?)
July is the start of summer vacation season for many, notwithstanding high gas prices and cancelled flights. Other families are enjoying a peaceful “Staycation,” making the most of summer at home with outdoor picnics, BBQs, and lazy days playing games and reading fun books.
And then there are homeschooling families like us that travel in the off-season, after the start of the traditional school year. We’ll be exploring the Pacific Northwest for two weeks at the end of August / beginning of September. Which means the upcoming publication schedule for Homeschooling Teen will be a little off track.
We plan to do a combined August/September Back to School issue toward the end of August, instead of a separate August and September issue. Send your stories about what you did this summer to mail@homeschoolingteen.com!
Happy Homeschooling!
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