After Death – Enter to Win 2 Free Movie Tickets!


Have you ever wondered what happens when people die?

Now you can find out in AFTER DEATH, a new film from Angel Studios (The Chosen, Sound of Freedom) that takes a cinematic peek beyond the veil to examine the spiritual and scientific dimensions of mortality.

Get your tickets to see this film in theaters starting 10/27!

AFTER DEATH is a captivating and thought-provoking exploration of the enigmatic question that has fascinated humanity for centuries: “Is there life after death?” Through personal accounts, philosophical discussions, scientific research, and dramatic reenactments of near-death experiences, the film takes viewers on a profound journey of discovery that sheds a light on what awaits us.

AFTER DEATH is based on real events that happened to real people. The film features New York Times bestselling authors, medical experts, scientists and survivors, including Don Piper (90 Minutes in Heaven), Dr. Mary Neal (To Heaven and Back), John Burke (Imagine Heaven), Dr. Jeffrey Long (Evidence for the Afterlife), and Dr. Raymond Moody (Life After Life).

One of the most interesting interviewees is Dr. Michael Sabom, a cardiologist and author of the book Recollections of Death. As he tells it, he entered the field as a skeptic in the early days of the concept of near-death experiences, when there were hardly any documented cases from an academic or scientific perspective. One day a patient’s recollections piqued his interest, and he started to interview other patients. He wrote one of the first academic papers on the topic, which then inspired other academics to become interested in it.

“I think there are a lot of people that do take advantage of this novelty and the fascination with this experience. We’re all going to die and we all want to know what’s going to happen once that happens. So, I mean, this is speaking to us all and of great importance. That can be abused. Some of these cases are transmitted through several different people before they get in print, and they get a lot of attention because they’re fantastic. But what I’ve tried to do is remove some of the subjectivity to these experiences, and put data out there that’s been scientifically, rigorously collected.” –Dr. Michael Sabom

As a medical professional and researcher, Dr. Sabom is cautious of how he talks about the topic — always making sure he’s saying what he knows versus what he doesn’t know — and what can be speculated against what is scientific.

“There’s no way you can verify the transcendental part of the experience,” he says. But when the patient is resuscitated, they are often able to give corroborative evidence about what was going on in the room while they were unconscious at the time they were being worked on. “That is the verifiable part of a near death experience where you can go back and verify what they said they saw to what actually occurred.”

Dr. Sabom makes interesting points about what constitutes evidence versus proof and at what point they overlap. At what point is there so much evidence that it is indistinguishable from how the vast majority of people define proof?

“I think the near death experience is where science meets religion. There is a big difference between proof and evidence. This is all evidence. But enough evidence at some point makes it so close to proof that most people would say it’s right, it’s real.” –Dr. Michael Sabom

Dr. Ajmal Zemmar, a neuosurgeon and neuroscientist, is another physician featured in the film. Purely by accident he documented the first EEG recording of a dying human brain in an acute clinical environment – and he noticed that the patient’s brain waves actually became more active upon death. Fascinating stuff!

“I’ve found that there are a lot of people in this world who are hurting and searching,” said Stephen Gray, the director of AFTER DEATH. “I have a deep personal connection to the stories we’ve included in our film, which is why I’ve dedicated the past 6+ years of my life exploring these questions so that it might become a beacon of hope for others. For skeptics, this film opens the door to begin to ask haunting questions.”

These near-death experiences reveal so much! I love how one lady said, “I didn’t feel dead. I felt more alive.” The images that the filmmakers use to visualize the heavenly experiences that the people are attempting to describe are amazing and beautiful.

Admittedly, some accounts are downright scary as a few of the patients who came back to life after death describe their hellish experience. And to hear a Korean-American student explaining how the “Grandpa spirit” enticed him to commit suicide is chilling.

“I know one thing. We all live once and die once. And there is judgment after.” –Steve Kang

AFTER DEATH will appeal to anyone who is curious about the afterlife.

Those who want to see the movie but can’t afford tickets can request one. You can also Pay it Forward to cover the cost of a movie ticket for someone who wouldn’t otherwise be able to see it. When you Pay it Forward, you are part of the first movement in history to share stories that amplify light in this incredible way.

See one of life’s biggest questions play out on the big screen! Buy tickets today to see AFTER DEATH in theaters starting October 27th!


The movie length is 1 hour and 43 minutes. Here is the Official Trailer:


Leave a comment for a chance to win 2 tickets to see AFTER DEATH in theaters! Note: This is limited to US winners only. We will need your full name and email address in order to send you your tickets, but these won’t be published. Contest ends on 10/28/23 at 11:59pm PST.

About Angel Studios

Angel Studios is the home of stories that amplify light. Through the Angel Guild, tens of thousands of investors choose which titles the studio will next distribute. Angel Studios allows filmmakers and audiences to form passionate communities around their creative projects, making the story behind the story as important as the final project itself. The Chosen and Dry Bar Comedy—two of Angel Studios’ originals—have earned billions of views around the world, and now SOUND OF FREEDOM has become a global box-office hit. Learn more at


Many thanks to Angel Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

#AfterDeathMIN #AfterDeathMovie #MomentumInfluencerNetwork


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  1. This sounds very interesting. I would love to see it.

    1. Congratulations Christina! You won two free tickets to go see this movie. Check your email (including spam/junk folder).

  2. This looks very interesting. I would love to see it.

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