You Are Enough

You Are Enough
By Trinity T.

Ok, forgive my very unauthentic title. But I couldn’t think of anything new that still has the same deep meaning. Or maybe I just didn’t try. Anyway, the point is, during these past few weeks I’ve been learning that lesson. I like to code, but I’m not that good at it. Yet it seems everywhere I look there’s some kid creating a world-shattering app. Because of this, I stopped coding for some time believing that I had nothing good to offer. Recently however, I was forced to write some code for my Computer Science class. I thought one of the algorithms I was studying was interesting, so I played with it a little. I ended up learning something new and having fun. This opened my eyes to the fact that I love coding and not just the final result. I like the trial and error that’s involved. I like that every mistake opens up a discussion with fellow coders that always leads to learning more than you expected. But the biggest thing I learnt is that I’m happy when I code and it doesn’t matter what other tech geniuses are doing.

The moral of the story is; your story matters. I learnt that it’s probably best to stop looking at where other people are in their journeys and focusing on where I am and how to make the best of it. In this social media era, everyone is shouting about their achievements. Their perfect families, hobbies, and yes, their amazing coding skills. But I want you to know that you are a special human being with a unique skillset that you can use to make both your life and other people’s lives better. It doesn’t matter if your work isn’t acknowledged by millions of lives. Every life matters. So if what you do only makes 1000, 100, 10, or even just one person happy, then it’s important. As a Christian, I believe in having a calling. And I know that everyone is wonderfully and fearfully made with a purpose that no one else will accomplish. Therefore, instead of killing your purpose because you don’t think it’s big enough, pursue it and see how God uses your small thing to do great works.

Trinity, 16, has been homeschooling for almost four years. She lives in Uganda and is passionate about God, family, music, and writing. She hopes to use her writing to serve God and help other people.

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