Shocking findings released by Dr. George Barna and the Cultural Research Center about the biblical worldview of American pastors.
Tag: worldview
When Writing is Bad
A Thoughtful Approach to Homeschool Electives
Homeschool Participants Needed for Graduate Research
An Introduction to Christian Worldview
Bryan College: Christ Above All
Understanding the Times: Worldview Studies
NEW! Philosophy Adventure Curriculum
NOTE: I received a preview copy of Philosophy Adventure: Pre-Socratics in exchange for my honest review. DO YOU NEED to teach advanced writing and speaking skills to your homeschool teen? DO YOU WANT to be equipped to discern the truth about the ungodly messages and false philosophies that bombard us every day? DO YOU WONDER […]
NEW! Philosophy Adventure (and a chance to win a free copy)
Homeschool Adventure Co. is debuting a unique new curriculum for middle school and high school students on the subject of philosophy – and they were kind enough to offer Homeschooling Teen a FREE downloadable copy to share with one lucky reader! (Scroll down for a chance to win!) Introducing… Philosophy Adventure! DO YOU NEED to […]