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Tag: painting
What Was the Life of a Muse?
Genesis Art Quest
Art is Such Crap
Artistic Differences: Who Owns Vincent van Gogh’s “The Night Cafe”?
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Razor’s Edge, by Madeleine Richey Are you a writer, a painter, a sculptor—an artist in any form? As a young artist, it can be hard to be recognized for your work and even harder if you are homeschooled and do not have a school that regularly hosts awards and provides opportunities to display your […]
A Day in Spain: A Day in the Life of Spaniard Jose Real
His Story, His World by Aubrey Tuggle Hola! Mi nombre es Jose Real! (My name is Jose Real) That’s pronounced “hose-ay ray-all,” by the way. I live in Madrid, the capital of Spain. It is a very busy place with over five million people. That’s packed! Another neat fact: While it often reaches 105 degrees here […]
Adam Nisbett
Adam Nisbett, the second of ten children, was born in Arlington, Texas. When he was two years old his family moved to a hundred-acre farm near St. James, Missouri. As a homeschooled child, he enjoyed having the freedom to roam through the pastures and woods where his favorite pastime was birdwatching. Adam also began drawing […]
Akiane Kramarik
“I want my art to draw people’s attention to God, and I want my poetry to keep people’s attention to God.” ~Akiane Homeschooled and self-taught in painting, 15-year-old Akiane (pronounced ah-kee-ah-nah) Kramarik has seen her artwork exhibited in museums around the world since she was 10. An internationally recognized prodigy, Akiane is the only known […]