By Trinity T.
It’s December! What does that mean to you? Christmas, duh!
But there’s a lot more that comes with December. It’s the end of the year. I seriously can’t believe 2024 is coming to an end. It feels like just yesterday I was writing my January article about focusing on the big picture and loving those around you even when it’s hard. And now, it’s December. I’m wondering if I’ve done what I set out to do at the beginning of the year. I’m wondering if I spent my time wisely this year. And I’m wondering if I lived with purpose this year. If I’m being honest, this year has been very stressful for me. Between school and college applications, I haven’t been in a sunny mood. And honestly, I’m just glad I survived without a mental breakdown.
And that brings me to the point of this article. Even when life isn’t going your way, there’s always something to be grateful for. The problem is we take things for granted. But God has given each one of us so much through the year that if we actually started listing all our blessings, we’d still be counting when Jesus returns. I’m not exaggerating. Think about it. Every breath you take is because God’s given it to you. Every heartbeat. Every meal you’ve had, every night you’ve slept undisturbed by the weather, nocturnal animals, and burglars. Every time you’ve laughed and felt joy in your heart. All of those things are gifts. But we forget to say thank you. Just because we feel like one aspect of our lives isn’t going well. We focus on all the things that we don’t have, that we forget to be thankful for the things we do.
Recently, I found myself thinking that 2024 was a wasted year for me. I thought about all the things I failed to accomplish and honestly, it was a depressingly long list. I thought about how I’m turning 18 in less than a month and immediately decided my childhood was a total waste. I’ve not achieved anything major. But I was wrong. For one thing, I’m alive. So many kids never get to see their eighteenth birthday. So I have that to be grateful for. I also realized that I have something so many people don’t have. Hope. I still get excited about the future. I still dream about what I can achieve. When I choose to be positive, I’m excited about the possibilities of every new day.
I don’t know what you have or haven’t achieved this year, but I know you have something to be grateful for. So instead of looking at all the wasted time, think about the new beginning. I’m not saying you shouldn’t accept your failures. But don’t let your failures define you. Learn from the things that tripped you up this year. And do your best to do better next year. Take each day by itself. Work to be better than you were yesterday. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Just be a better you. I can’t say that this will make you great or famous. All I can say is that it will give you peace. And peace is the best gift to have. In a mixed-up world, I think finding peace in your heart is like finding a buried treasure. I don’t know if there’s any Bible verse that says that, but I’m sure Jesus would agree. After all, He is the Prince of Peace. If you have peace, He’s probably ruling in your heart.
Happy Holidays everybody.
Trinity, 17, has been homeschooling for almost four years. She lives in Uganda and is passionate about God, family, music, and writing. She hopes to use her writing to serve God and help other people.