Infographic: Halloween Allergen Safety

Halloween allergen safety

Vampires and werewolves aren’t the only scary things you may encounter this Halloween. For children and adults living with food allergies, Halloween goodies can be frightening as well.

Allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk and egg are often found as ingredients in Halloween candy. Baked goods may also contain wheat or soy.

Serious allergic reactions affect 1 in every 13 children (under 18 years of age) in the U.S. So don’t let food-allergic children trick-or-treat alone, and always make sure they carry their autoinjectible epinephrine with them.

Also, be aware that snack-size candies may not be made the same way or on the same production lines as full-size counterparts. For example, the “fun size” candy may contain different ingredients than regular size packages.

Tips for Halloween Allergen Safety

  • Check Labels: Always read the ingredient labels on candy packaging. Look for common allergens like peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, and sesame.
  • Avoid Homemade Treats: Unless you know the person who made them and the ingredients used, it’s best to avoid homemade treats.
  • Inspect Wrappers: Check for any signs of damage or tampering, such as tears or holes in the wrappers.
  • Sort and Supervise: Go through the candy and remove any items that might pose a risk.
  • Plan Food-Free Activities: Fun options include costume contests, games, scavenger hunts, and pumpkin carving.

Candy Alternatives

Non-food treats can be a great way to include everyone in the Halloween fun, especially those with food allergies. Here are some ideas:

  • Glow sticks, bracelets, or necklaces
  • Pencils, pens, or crayons
  • Bubbles
  • Halloween erasers or pencil toppers
  • Bouncy balls
  • Spider rings
  • Bookmarks
  • Stickers
  • Slime or putty
  • Novelty toys

When it comes to Halloween allergen safety, you can never be too careful! These tips can help ensure that all kids, regardless of dietary restrictions or food allergies, can enjoy the Halloween festivities.

Halloween allergen safety

Infographic courtesy of Neogen, an international food safety company that provides test kits and relevant products to detect dangerous substances in food.


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