Free HTML Tutorials: Learn How to Make a Website

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the building blocks of a web page. No matter whether you’re using WordPress, Blogger, or creating a custom built site, you’ll be infinitely better off with some basic HTML and CSS knowledge. HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard. Learn the basics of building a website with these free HTML tutorials and resources.

HTML for Kids – This site by Jill Jeffers Goodell offers a simple 12 lesson tutorial written in easy-to-understand language for ages 10 and up.

Lissa Explains – This colorful website has extensive tutorials for beginners to learn HTML, including advanced concepts. Lissa does a terrific job of explaining complicated topics.

Codecademy – This user-friendly interactive website teaches teens and adults basic HTML and CSS fundamentals through structured exercises that are simple and fun. In addition to free tutorials, there are paid options that provide access to more content and live help. – This free online tutorial teaches you everything about HTML and it has decent interactive learning tools. – A complete HTML5 programming course for beginners. In this 10.5-hour video course you will start with basic HTML and CSS before learning HTML5.

HTML Source – If you are just getting started with HTML, begin with the two “Starting Off” sections. If you want more specific tutorials, check out the in-depth “Lessons” on each aspect of HTML and CSS. If you’re already well-versed in the art of web development, you should read the “Advanced” stuff. You can also get technical with the “Scripting” tutorials. – The HTML lessons in this course are well suited for beginners in web development, who want to learn how to create web pages manually.

Page Resource – Basic and advanced HTML tutorials listed by topic so you can jump to something specific that you want to know.

HTML Code Tutorial – Complete guide to creating web pages.

HTML Made Easy – Web design for beginners.

Writing HTML – A free tutorial for creating web pages, offered through the Maricopa Community College Center for Learning and Instruction. The course consists of 29 lessons and assignments that can be downloaded and done offline. However, before a student begins the tutorial, he or she must have a basic text editor program. By the time you have reached the end of this tutorial you will be able to construct a series of linked web pages for any subject that includes formatted text, pictures, and hypertext links to other web pages on the internet. If you follow the steps for the Basic Level (lessons 1-14), you will develop a page about volcanoes. If you go on to the Advanced Level (lessons 15-29), you will create an enhanced volcano web site. This is an older course from the 1990s, but it still provides a good introduction to basic HTML.

Create Your Own Web Page – This site shows how to create a web page in seven simple steps.


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