Israel Advocacy Campaign – Petition and Giveaway

Israel Flag

Special Message from the Editor…

I can’t believe all the anti-Israel protests and rioting that’s been happening on college campuses around the country! This violence against students and college property needs to stop!

Seriously, it hasn’t been that long since the Holocaust happened. There are veterans of World War II who are still alive today. And yet the intolerance toward Jewish people seems to be happening all over again – in America, of all places. It’s insane!

Sign the anti-rioting petition and support Israel today!

Stand with Israel

As an American, as a Christian, and honestly just as a human, I feel that we should stand up for our Israeli friends and allies. Israel is God’s Holy Land, and Israelis are good people. 3,500 years ago, God made an unconditional promise to Jacob (who he renamed Israel) to give the land of Israel to the Jewish people as an eternal possession. The Jewish people lived in the Promised Land long before Jesus Christ!

This tiny nation of Israel (about the size of New Jersey!) captures mankind’s imagination more than if it were a whole continent. The people of Israel are not very numerous, yet you’d think they were a huge population based on the amount of news you hear about them. Every morning I wake up and the sun has risen again on Israel, and I think to myself, the ancient promise has lasted yet another day.

The Israelis are God’s chosen people and they were attacked by ruthless murderers. And yet the leftists are blaming Israel! Why??? Israel has every right to defend itself!

Show your support for Israel today.

Background Info

On October 7, 2023, scores of Hamas gunmen swept into Israeli towns near the border with Gaza, opening fire on people in their homes, on the streets, and at a music festival. This was a mass terrorist attack on innocent and unsuspecting civilians including the elderly, women, children and babies. These monsters planned a coordinated invasion to surround and infiltrate villages, intentionally targeting places where civilians gather. They had maps and instructions saying “kills as many as possible” and “capture hostages.” Read more here.

The terrorists killed at least 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took roughly 250 hostages. Not only did the militant group kill innocent Israelis, they also made graphic videos of the murders showing pride in their actions. Which isn’t surprising, since Hamas doesn’t even care about their own people. The terrorist organization purposely uses civilian areas in Gaza as launch sites for rocket attacks on Israel. The international community should condemn terrorism and hold accountable those who exploit civilians for political gain.

Following the horrific October 7 attack by Hamas, we have also seen Hezbollah and Iran launch their own attacks on the tiny country of Israel, which is currently fighting for its survival.

The situation in the Middle East is complex, with historical, religious, and geopolitical dimensions. It’s crucial to understand the multifaceted nature of the conflict and avoid oversimplification or one-sided narratives that ignore the broader context. Nevertheless, Israel has repeatedly expressed its willingness to engage in dialogue and negotiate for a lasting peace with the Palestinians.

However, achieving peace requires a genuine commitment from both sides to recognize each other’s right to exist and to engage in constructive negotiations without violence or terrorism. Colleges should be educating their students and encouraging mutual respect for fostering lasting peace – not emboldening these anti-Israel protestors!

It’s time for the protests to stop!

Israel is Our Ally

When Russia invaded Ukraine, everyone was posting Ukrainian flags on their social media. Now we need to stand up for our brothers and sisters in Israel.

In 2023, approximately 900,000 Americans visited Israel, making the U.S. the largest source of tourists to the country. Many are Christians who came to see the Holy Land and walk in Jesus’ footsteps. There is nothing to be gained from turning our back on Israel. Our country has never had a greater ally in the Middle East. What’s happening over there now is a war that Israel did not start.

Sign the Anti-Riot Petition asking the Biden Administration to call on all the universities to bring an end to the violent and destructive anti-Israel protests. If they don’t, the federal government should cut their taxpayer funding.

Click here to sign the anti-rioting petition and support Israel today!


Thanks for reading this! I hope you’ll enter our giveaway as a thank you for your time! Do you stand with Israel? Did you sign the petition? Why or why not? Leave a comment for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card!

Note: This is limited to US winners only. The winner will need to submit their full name and email address by midnight Pacific Time on 5/30/24. We will not be able to accept entries submitted after this date. (Comments are moderated, so please be patient as yours may not appear right away.)


Many thanks to Influenceable for making this offer available. Opinions are 100% my own. #HelpIsraelMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork


Add a Comment
  1. I signed the petition to show support.

  2. I didn’t sign the petition. Although I am 100% against what occurred on Oct 7, I’m not ok with everything that has happened since either.

  3. I 100% stand-behind Israel and their right to defend themselves following the horrific acts that occurred on Oct. 7th.

    1. Congratulations Lisa, you won the giveaway! Check your email including spam/junk folders for the gift card that was sent today.

  4. I signed the petition

  5. I signed and support Israel 100%.

    If it was Gaza vs any other Middle Eastern country, it would be the usual silence in the West even if the other country remotely leveled all of Gaza to the ground with no warning on 10/8 which is likely. People only care because it is Israel/Jews.

  6. I signed and support Israel and the Jewish People to fight for their right to survive at any cost as any other country/group of people would be afforded without protests against an enemy trying to kill them.

  7. I left a comment but it is not appearing – hope you can see it on your end.

  8. My comment is not showing up so I am posting it again. I did not sign as I stay out of political matters. I pray for peace.

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