By Chaleigh Glass
While “teacher” is the most common occupation people think of when they focus on the realm of education, individuals interested in the field of education who do not wish to be a traditional classroom teacher do have several other career options. The following careers all allow individuals to help children learn, but each has a slightly different focus that exceeds the normal scope of a teacher.
1. ESL Teacher
English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers help teach students whose first language is anything other than English. They work with students both within the traditional classroom and in pull-out programs. They teach English vocabulary and grammar, and they help students understand and complete assignments in all subjects. ESL teachers typically complete a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with additional Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) coursework. With the continual increase of immigrants coming into the United States, there is a high demand for these specialized teachers that can help student who have no experience with the English language.
2. Instructional Coordinator
Instructional coordinators research methods of education in order to develop and implement an educational curriculum plan for a school district. They are responsible for choosing curriculum materials such as textbooks and other instructional materials, training teachers in the latest curriculum approaches, evaluating student performance, and acting on their findings to continually improve the schools’ education plan. These professionals make sure that every child gets the education and skills that they will need to succeed in their lives after school, no matter what path they may end up choosing. Individuals interested in this position must complete a Master’s Degree in Instructional Design.
3. Reading Specialist
Reading specialists work within schools to help students who are struggling with reading to achieve their reading goals. They may work inside the classroom alongside students who need additional help, or they may have their own classroom where they meet with small groups to provide additional reading assistance. Some reading specialists also work alongside teachers, helping them teach reading skills effectively within their classrooms. Reading specialists must have a teaching certificate, teaching experience, and a Masters of Reading Specialist degree.
4. School Counselor
School counselors work within a school setting to help students at all levels receive the personal education or vocational counseling they need to be successful. They work alongside teachers, school administration, and other staff members to identify behavior or developmental issues in students and to connect students with the resources they need. These counselors are essential for guiding students to colleges and careers, and they also help those who may be struggling with learning or social problems, making sure that every child has a chance to fully succeed. School counselors need a Master’s Degree in School Counseling.
The old familiar phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” is as true today as ever. While teachers are the educational professionals students see the most, there are always a variety of other professionals working behind the scenes to help the children learn and grow into mature, responsible, and well-educated adults.
Chaleigh is a freelance writer that spends most of her time in her small apartment in NYC, constantly hovering over the keyboard. While she can write about a variety of different subjects, she truly loves photography and spends most of her free time out and about in the city trying to develop this talent.