Homeschool… Athlete? Yes, hundreds of homeschoolers all over the country spend their PE and extracurricular hours participating in organized high school sports (of every sport) with other homeschoolers, many times against private or other homeschool teams (some of you know this full-well, busy busy!). Furthermore, in certain states, homeschool athletes are competing along with public school […]
Month: May 2013
Northwestern College, Iowa
Northwestern is a private Christian liberal arts college affiliated with the Reformed Church in America. The school’s 100-acre campus is surrounded by farmland in rural Orange City, Iowa. Orange City has been called one of the cleanest and safest towns in America. Named after Prince William of Orange, the community of nearly 6,000 is best […]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Personal Statements for Scholarship
By Maria If you are applying for scholarship you’ll certainly find useful this personal story I’ll share. In my case, aside from writing a personal statement for my scholarship applications, I had to also include few additional short statements and project proposals. There was a lot of writing to be done. I did not want […]
Computer Networking: 3 Easy Tips to Begin Your Online Degree
If you are interested in working with computers and networks, you may be interested in obtaining a computer networking degree. One of the easiest ways to obtain this degree is online. There are a number of schools that offer an online computer networking degree. The area of study is called Information Technology, and these IT […]
5 Homeschooling Tips for Parents of Teens
By Claudia With homeschool training, you can help your child in many ways. You provide them the option of modifying their educational requirements. For example, online and practical trainings provide opportunities to become acquainted with a desired degree program. There is a huge amount of information available for parents who homeschool their kids. But when […]
Mother’s Day Special
Kate’s Health Corner
Overpopulation Band Wagon versus Real-World Solutions
by Eleanor Frances Imminent! Rescheduled population explosion set for this Wednesday! Overpopulation doomsayers have become cliché, with the theory so fully assimilated in our culture that many people adhere to the politics of scarcity without questioning the assumptions and arguments on which it is based. Subscribing to this population myth makes people zealous for a […]
How Do the Church’s Teachings Affect Our Lives?
A Guest Post, by James Roscoe From Roman Catholic cathedrals to Baptist congregations, churches are still thriving in the 21st century. Naturally, they have a great effect on the lives of the members who attend them. In what areas exactly do people feel the presence of the church in their lives? Spirituality Going to church […]
The Sports Report
Christmas in Apple Ridge, by Cindy Woodsmall
Emily Rachelle Reviews, by Emily Experience the holidays with the Plain folk of Apple Ridge, Pennsylvania This is my first time reading, much less reviewing, an Amish book. Most Christian and/or female readers are probably aware of the huge Amish trend going on right now. Honestly, I’ve been more than reluctant to try it myself. I […]
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a fantasy action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. It’s the fifth installment in The Elder Scrolls computer game series, following the widely popular Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Skyrim was released on 11/11/11 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It’s still the #1 Best Seller in Xbox […]