NEW Column! Talk to Ashley
Hello, my name is Ashley Cline! I’m in the tenth grade, and tenth year of homeschooling. This is my new column! This column is called Talk to Ashley, (that’s me!) kinda of a question or help column. If you have questions about life, school, life’s trials, friends, family, etc., please ask away! Just email me at and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I’ll also love to answer questions here for more asked questions. Let’s be friends! And help each other out with teenage life.
My first Talk to Ashley column will be on breakups. I haven’t actually gotten any emails yet, of course, but this is based on myself. Everyone most likely will go through breakups, or at least heartbreaks. I’ve had a boyfriend for awhile, that I thought was the one, but it turns out we were having some problems in our relationship. So we decided to break and try to pray, and read the Bible to find out what’s up. It’s hard, but some things to keep you going if you are going through one.
Pray about it, by yourself, or with friends and/or family. Read the Bible. Look in a concordance for verses about sadness, it will help. Just reading anything in the Bible and praying and getting closer to God will help a lot. Understand that life is going to have its ups and downs, its heartbreaks, and you must remember that there will always be a sunrise on the other side, God is watching over you, and one day you’ll see Him in Heaven and have no more heartbreaks. Also, find the people you love and surround yourself with Christian friends to encourage, support, and uplift your spirit. Hope this helps lots, with everyday circumstances! : )