By TriciaMcQuarrie,
We would like to share with you a link to our website which contains FREE lesson plans for earning college credits using the CLEP examination program. Again, all the plans on our site are FREE and we would like to share this information with the wider homeschool community. If you feel led, would you please share this information with your local support group?
Some homeschooling parents find formulating a plan for homeschooling through high school a challenge. Should our focus be on achieving a high school diploma? What about facing the college recruiters?
These concerns drive some parents to plan hours of unnecessary course work that would hopefully lead to a diploma. Others choose educational paths that attempt to satisfy nagging doubts about future college entrance. CLEP solved BOTH these concerns for our family by allowing us to chart an independent course that will ultimately show college recruiters that our student is ready for the next step.
What is CLEP?
CLEP is the “College-Level Examination Program” and is also known by terms such as “testing out” or “credit by examination.” Simply put, you use independent study to prepare for a specific college course and then go to a local college to take the computerized multiple choice exam. If you pass, you are issued the credits, as if you had taken the class at the college.
CLEP exams can be used to:
-accumulate dual credit, showing credits that will count toward high school requirements AND, at the same time, count towards a college degree
-shorten the years of study required to attain a college degree, since you are starting in the teen years
-save you money in earning a college degree, as CLEP exams are MUCH cheaper than registering for a college class on campus
-show ANY “brick and mortar” college that your child is capable of performing at a college level, and you’ll have the credits to PROVE it!
-avoid “basic skills” classes when entering college by CLEPing college math and freshman english
-give your child the chance to delve into the subject being studied while moving at a comfortable pace for optimum learning
-sharpen your child’s independent study skills, which are a MUST in the college environment
-continue to share your “world view” with your child when studying controversial topics contained in many social science classes
-tackle tough subjects ONCE and get the credit the FIRST time around. Why do high school biology and then retake it again for college credit?
A normal college course includes classroom instruction, followed by testing and then the granting of credits earned. Through our FREE lesson plans you will be able to use your child’s independent study skills, replacing the instructional phase of the college class process with the appropriate books and videos we’ve selected as study tools. Your child will prepare for the exam and the college board will issue them credits for passing the test. These credits can be “banked” with the college board and then transferred to the college of your choice in the future.
CLEP credits are accepted by more than 2,900 schools. The exams are 90 minute, multiple choice format. There are other widely accepted credit-by-examination programs as well, such as DANTES. It’s important to check with the colleges on your “wish list” to see how many credits they allow to be “transferred in” from any one testing source. The colleges we have listed are VERY “credit by examination” friendly, some even allowing you to “test out” of your ENTIRE four year degree! Remember too that colleges that have enrollment requirements, such as SAT scores and basic skills tests, often waive them when college credits have already been accumulated by the student.
For more information and find FREE lesson plans for studying and passing CLEP exams, please go to our website:
Tricia McQuarrie