Tag: GED


The Razor’s Edge, by Madeleine Richey What is a GED? GED stands for General Educational Development, a series of tests which after successful completion, will earn you a certificate that states you have the equivalent of a high school education. I never had to take the GED, because I was homeschooled through Kolbe Academy, which […]

Can My Homeschooled Child Attend University?

By Melissa Murdoch The question, “Can my homeschooled child attend University?” is a perpetual one for homeschooling parents. The fact of the matter is that yes, a homeschooled child can absolutely attend university, and some institutions even lay aside spots in their freshmen classes for homeschooled students. Many homeschooling families report that their friends and […]

Preparing for College Tests

By Randi St. Denis “You can’t prepare for the SAT.”  Educational Testing Service, the company that writes the SAT, has worked hard to convince people that they cannot improve their scores by studying for the test. But half a million students disagree and say that you can substantially improve your scores on college tests by […]