Easter Recipes and Egg Activities for Teens Take a break from studying and try one or more of these fun hands-on Easter activities!
Easter Fun Facts Infographic An entertaining infographic featuring a bunch of fun facts about Easter that you probably didn’t know!
Prepare for the Great Eclipse of 2024 with Ten Safety Tips Get ready for the total solar eclipse that will be coming on April 8, 2024!
The Best Easter Movies for Christians Old favorites like Ben-Hur and The Ten Commandments are on the list, as are new options like Risen and His Only Son.
JESUS Musical by Sight & Sound Theatres Grace reviews the spectacular Sight & Sound musical production of JESUS. Streaming FREE Easter Weekend March 29th – 31st only!
The Evidence for Jesus Christ’s Resurrection If Jerusalem had had its own daily newspaper two thousand years ago, Jesus’ resurrection surely would have been headline news!
Easter in the Old Testament The Easter message can be found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
A Biblical Look at the Tradition of Easter Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and celebrates the hope of eternal life.
Easter and Passover: Why Are They Observed When They Are? Why don’t we always celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at the same time as Passover?