Homeschool graduate Christopher O’Rear designed the content for 1-2-3 Entrepreneur! It’s an elective course that teaches students how to start and grow their own small business, even while in high school. Christopher is currently a college sophomore studying business. He already has years of business experience, having most recently founded a social media marketing company. In addition to entrepreneurship, his hobbies include soccer (playing on his college’s varsity team), piano, falconry, and writing.
Christopher is passionate about Business As Mission (BAM), a model of missions that uses small business as a means to introduce people to Jesus Christ. Following Jesus’ example of meeting people’s spiritual and physical needs, BAM is especially relevant in the 1-2-3 Entrepreneur window, where the majority of the world’s poorest and un-evangelized people groups are. Christopher’s goal is to equip the church to use business as a means of glorifying God and expanding His kingdom.
In this post he will tell you about his new comprehensive business course for homeschoolers!
My name is Christopher O’Rear, and I am a recent homeschool graduate. Currently, I am a sophomore at Boyce College in Louisville, KY.
I recently created a homeschool elective course called 1-2-3 Entrepreneur! to guide students through the nuts and bolts of starting and running their own small business, even while during high school.
1-2-3 Entrepreneur! is a 10-week online entrepreneurship course constructed to fit into your school plan for the semester or year. Students can take it by themselves or as part of a group. We give you the power to learn at your own pace and count the course as part of your school curriculum.
We’ve taken our personal business experience and combined it with the knowledge of seasoned entrepreneurs (Wade Myers, David Bosch, Brian O’Rear, and Paul Spires) by traveling the country and interviewing them about various business aspects. We sat down and asked them questions about marketing, financial management, and other startup topics so you could take their experience and apply it to your own business venture. These interviews are sprinkled throughout the lessons, giving you the opportunity to glean from the business wisdom of successful and varied entrepreneurs.
1-2-3 Entrepreneur! guides you through critical business topics, such as finding and evaluating a business idea, finances, marketing, the relationship between faith and business, and more. Attached files give examples of what each respective lesson may be referring to, whether it’s business plans or mission statements. Each lecture is supplemented with worksheets, quizzes, and action steps.
This wealth of information creates an engaging high-leverage program, allowing for an immersive learning experience that will fully equip you to begin in business or to grow your current business.
The self-paced course features:
— Lecture videos dealing with Marketing, Finances, Idea Analysis, a Christian understanding of business, and more.
— Corresponding quizzes, worksheets, reading assignments, and action steps.
— Exclusive interviews with leading Christian businessmen from a handful of varying industries and backgrounds.
— Delayed payment and start dates if you want to take advantage of the discounts but also want to wait until the new school year begins (must contact our offices before enrolling).
The course is originally $55/mo for the required six-month minimum access, but because it has just been launched, I want to give you and the people in your group the chance to try it out at a discounted price!
— If you are interested in taking the course, I’ll drop the monthly price by 20% if you use the promo code “10/40GrandOpening”
— For groups of 8-14, I’ll drop the monthly price by an incredible 30% for every person for six months.
— For groups of 15+, I’ll drop the price even further so that you save 40% every month off the original price for six months!
Please email to coordinate group signups. I look forward to working with you to make this one-of-a-kind offer available to families and students interested in the opportunities afforded by small business. As mentioned above, we are also willing to do delayed payment and enrollment if you sign up.
Please let me know if you have any questions— I’ll be more than happy to discuss further over email or on the phone!
In Christ,
Christopher O’Rear, Founder & CEO
*1-2-3 Entrepreneur! is a division of 10/40 Entrepreneurship Academy
June 2018 Update: We just finished viewing Lesson 5 of 1-2-3 Entrepreneur! The course is a practical introduction to running a business, and can be used as a step-by-step guide to setting up your own business. Don’t feel like you have to follow the instructions verbatim; rather, apply the principles in a way that suits your particular enterprise. As your organization grows, you may also need to make changes in your procedures. An important rule of thumb for business owners is: “Hire character, train skill.” Since most skills can be learned or taught on the job, it’s the character of a person that should be looked at first in the hiring process. Someone could be the most talented individual, but if she or he doesn’t have the right values and character, they will not be a good fit for the organization. These are just a few of the useful things that you will learn in this course. In addition to the video lessons (see screenshot above), there are interviews with experts, and students are given a quiz on each video along with corresponding homework, worksheets, and recommended readings. The lectures are slow-paced enough so that you can take in the information while jotting down notes, but they are certainly not boring if you’re the least bit interested in business because you will be so focused on learning what Christopher and the other others are saying. We highly recommend this course to anyone who dreams of starting their own business! ~HST
Disclaimer: We did not receive any compensation for this post, but we wanted to share the info with you because we think it’s a great course.