Dads are super, Dads are smart, Dads make a difference right from the start! Fathers are our providers, protectors, coaches, counselors, role models, and so much more. Although Fathers Day is not celebrated on the same day everywhere in the world, the concept of honoring Dad with a special day seems to be universal. Fathers Day is a good time to express some gratitude and appreciation for all that your father does for you. Even though dads are not always perfect, they need your love and respect. Here are some Fathers Day statistics and an infographic for the occasion.
How many Dads live in the U.S.?
- 70.1 million Dads vs. 85.4 million Moms
What do we call Dad?
- 79% “Dad” or “Daddy”
- 17% “Father”
- First Name 3%
- Other 1%
How much money does Dad make?
- The average U.S. male earns $47,715 annually – that’s almost $48K! (Full-time year-round workers)
Do you feel like you spend enough time with your Dad, too much or too little?
- 50% I spend just the right amount of time with my dad
- 40% I wish I could spend more time with my dad
- 10% I spend a little TOO much time with my dad
The difference a Dad makes:
- Children with a father in the home are:
- 21% more likely to be read aloud to every day.
- Children with a father in the home are:
- less likely to suffer from abuse or neglect;
- less likely to be poor;
- less likely to have an affective disorder;
- less likely to drop out of school;
- less likely to die in their first year of life;
- less likely to smoke, drink, or use drugs;
- less likely to get pregnant as a teen;
- less likely to have to repeat a grade
The following infographic contains more details:
From Visually. Infographic Courtesy of
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