When I heard about LinkedIn the very first time, I considered it to be another version of Facebook or Twitter, so I registered my account just to stay in contact with my friends. As I started using it, gradually I learned this is not something we can use like Facebook as it has different criteria – it has to be managed professionally as this website endorses professional networking and allows people to open doors of opportunity.
Wait, are you thinking that “yes we get the point, we can copy paste our resume into LinkedIn and will get a job successfully”? If this is what running in your mind, then you’re going in a wrong direction. Nevertheless, LinkedIn works like a resume, but your CV or resume are simply formal documents.
LinkedIn is a platform where you can introduce yourself, and tell about your professional history in a semi-formal way – you can use a bit of a creative approach to tell hiring companies what type of an employee you are, what you want, and what you are expecting.
It enables you to show what you truly know about your occupation, and it can help you assemble associations with individuals who are in a position to decidedly affect your career.
It is not necessarily true, that whoever owns a LinkedIn account, will definitely get their required job. Though if it’s possible, you need to know the right way to use LinkedIn for the job hunt. You need to know the smart tactics and strategies to use LinkedIn in order to get the right job.
Following are a few tips to guide you in how to use LinkedIn for job hunting.
Build your Network
Build and expand your network as much as you can. LinkedIn has no issue of looking at personal photos of others which usually comes under privacy and security issues. Chances are that the larger your network becomes, the greater the odds of finding someone who knows about the companies in which you are interested in.
Your job search is a process, and it is part of an even longer-term career that is continually unfolding.
Avoid using Buzzwords
As the trend of using LinkedIn has expanded, it has been noticed that in trying to make the content stronger and more fascinating, a few words have lost their niche due to excessive use in profiles. Those buzzwords hardly work as a call to action for hiring employees.
Examples of those overly popular expressions are: Imaginative, Propelled, Energetic, Passionate, Successful, Driven, Leadership, Strategic, and Extensive Experience.
Pick the Right Skills
Pick the right skills, and be specific about chosen skills that make you perfect for the job. Your associations can now underwrite these aptitudes (demonstrating to a pursuer that you are dependable), and past businesses can likewise reference them in suggestions that they give on your profile (supporting your reasonableness for, and deservedness of, a part).
If you don’t include those skills which you have on your own résumé, then you may neglect to appear in a search, in which different experts are looking for a specialist just like you.
Follow Your Dream Companies
The biggest advantage of hunting job via LinkedIn is, you can search your favorite organization or company you’d like to work for. Thus, you can follow the company, add contacts with people who work in your desired company, and stay updated with them in terms of job vacancies.
You’ll get notified when individuals leave or join the organization and you’ll likewise get told when that organization posts occupations.