Ultraman is a popular Japanese tokusatsu television series that made its debut back in 1966. This long-running science fiction franchise, which features a hero in the Science Patrol protecting Earth’s citizens from outside threats, has made its mark in Japanese pop culture as a major phenomenon that has managed to produce numerous spin-offs and sequels. So how would a show focusing on how the Science Patrol battles and defeats aliens and monsters relate to classical music at all?
Believe it or not, this question is not impossible to answer. It has recently been announced that the Ultraman Symphony Concert 2015 will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Theater Concert Hall on November 2. This fancy, futuristic, and much-anticipated concert will not only present music from the undying retro sci-fi series, but it will also consist of a full orchestra conducted by Sadaaki Yazawa playing music from other famous tokusatsu television shows of similar prominence. Tickets to attend the concert cost between 5,000 yen or 40 dollars to 15,000 yen or 122 dollars.
However, the concert itself is not what fans of Ultraman are most excited about. A one-of-a-kind Ultraman violin is currently in the process of being produced in order to make its introduction at the event. Furthermore, one extremely lucky person will be able to buy the only Ultraman violin in existence. Although the violin won’t simply be given away, it has been predicted that numerous super fans are willing to go to great lengths just to purchase it, even if this means spending 780,000 yen or 6,350 dollars. In the case that multiple buyers want to acquire the violin for the exact same amount, a lottery will be held to determine the final owner.
The instrument is such a unique and exceptional piece of work to the point where it’s no wonder why people would want to invest a lot of their money in order to have it in their possession. For instance, it’s comprised of an ebony saddle, a spruce finish, and a maple neck, and it is embellished with the easily identified signature Ultra colors. The body of the violin is specifically decorated with paint to replicate Ultraman’s torso, while the f-holes are reminiscent of the Science Patrol’s logo. Unfortunately, if you think the description of this splendid instrument sounds too good to be true, you are actually correct. The only and somewhat significant fault of this impressive violin is that it can be played for a mere three minutes at a time instead of continuously.
Although science fiction television shows and classical music may appear to be polar opposites, this concert has proven that opposites really can attract to create something marvelous. Whether you’re a devoted fan of the Ultraman series or you’re seeking a magnificent classical music event with an edgy twist, the Ultraman Symphony Concert on November 2, 2015, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Theater Concert Hall is an occasion you wouldn’t want to miss if you’re available and around the area.
About the Author: Sherah, 17, has been homeschooled for three years. “I am passionate about raising awareness about topics such as current events and culture and being able to effectively deliver a message that matters to me. I also enjoy researching and writing in hopes of educating, informing, and inspiring others.”