It’s that time of year when new grads will be looking for jobs. LinkedIn is where you can begin your professional networking and let recruiters know of your talents.
Although some young people have the impression that the LinkedIn platform is for old fogies, that perception is changing, as more and more college students and grads sign up. LinkedIn is by far the No. 1 social media site when it comes to jobs and careers.
When posting your job search information online, it’s natural to want to put your best foot forward. That’s why designed the “Ultimate Linkedin Cheat Sheet,” an infographic that covers basic and advanced techniques to make your Linkedin profile as visible and attractive as possible.
Back in October 2016, we published “The Original Ultimate LinkedIn Cheat Sheet.” A few weeks ago, Sean from LeisureJobs let us know that the recently updated “Ultimate LinkedIn Cheat Sheet 2019 Version” is now live! (See below.)
There are more than 562 million professionals on LinkedIn. To stand out, you need to pay close attention to optimizing your profile. This visual guide will help you quickly create the best possible LinkedIn profile, maximize your online visibility, and build your contact list.
For ongoing network development, a solid combination of recommendations and skill endorsements can go a long way toward successful interactions. The difference? A recommendation is a written statement received from a connection. A skill endorsement is a one-click way for your connections to endorse the skills listed on your profile.
Did you know that a person with a fully optimized profile is 40 times more likely to get job opportunities via LinkedIn? In addition to the basic profile, LinkedIn offers some hidden features, mobile apps, and more.
Everything you need to know can be found in the infographic below.
Follow these tips to create and optimize your LinkedIn profile today!