Hello Readers!
Adriana here with another review for you lovely people 🙂
Today, I am going to be reviewing one of my 100% absolutely all time favorite book! (You guys…I’ve read this book 5 times…in just over a year.) This book is published by a good friend, and this book is called The Follower (by C.F. Barrows).
I am so excited to share it with you so I will get right into it 🙂
Three hundred years ago, the Rhenor nation split into two, the Reshan and the Khanor. One dwells in the Outerlands, the other in the mountains – and although the nations have made peace, their people have not. One fateful day, two small patrols meet in an outer cave in Khanor territory. The youths, spurred by mutual distrust, brawl, and the ensuing cave-in cuts off their main routes back to both the Reshan and the Khanor civilizations. Their only choice is to join forces and follow the one remaining tunnel – one that runs through an area known simply as the Forbidden Regions – to find their way back to their homes. Along the way, the beliefs of every traveler are put to the test, and the secrets of a few may threaten the safety of all. For as they go, Lusefar, lord of the Saethen, sends his agents against them, licking his lips as a ravenous dragon.
Plot: The plot of this novel was A-Freaking-Mazing! Loved it so so much! *fangirl squeal* (Yeah I’m already squealing…and I haven’t even gotten to the characters yet 😉 ) It was so unique and engaging and filled with plot twists! (You guys know how much I love those!)
Genre: Fantasy!! :3 Oh gosh…I love fantasy. (though y’all know that by now I am sure)
Characters: Yes! The BEST.PART.EVER! *rubs hands together* Okay! Lets do this thing! Or in other words…Let the Fangirling commence! 😀
Sohrem: Love Sohrem. I don’t know what it is exactly that makes me like him so much. ( Quite a lot of reasons…) His attitude and personality was so great. And, I will admit sometimes the things he said or did made me laugh…Sohrem is such a great character overall and his story is so interesting. (Won’t say much cause I want you all to read it and discover for yourselves.)
Sheth: Is it appropriate to just put heart emoji’s or no?…
…I’m gonna go with maybe not but I will put this to good use….
….okay and maybe ONE heart emoji. (Don’t judge me!) Okay, but seriously I mean it! *WARNING:FICTIONAL CRUSH ALERT*
Okay. So, Fictional Crush aside… <3…Sheth is a great character. I just-I-Ugh. Yeah….He’s awesome 😛 I love his personality and character and- yeah…he’s just my favourite.
Okay… I really haven’t said why I like him so much, so I shall say why now. (Fangirling aside…for now) So! Sheth, I really liked his character. I especially liked how strong his faith was throughout the novel and I also liked how he kept a level head even when it came to patience when tension was rising between himself and the other characters. I loved his character on a hole but just his strength and such through tension and just…yeah. So great…okay, I’m done now.
Kyra: Three words to describe her:
- Grumpy (kinda)
- Sassy
- …..Awesome!
I loved Kyra! She was such a great character with a very interesting (yet sad) story. She has her grumpy/sassy/snippy/angry moments but I also found her to be totally awesome and not to mention smart. (Not that the other characters weren’t but..you get my point) I really really really enjoyed Kyra’s character.
Ender: *cue dramatic music* Well…First of all, Ender is also kinda grumpy at points and always seems to pick fights with his sister, Kyra…True sibling rivalry at it’s finest!…that and Kyra isn’t completely innocent with the whole picking fights thing either) There are quite a lot of ways he and Kyra are alike though….and I think thats why they both butt heads so much.
Lehn: Lehn is such a great character. He’s smart, has almost no cooking skill according to his sister and is really caring and protective of his sister Shaetha. (We will talk about her in a minute) Lehn is rather quiet but really kind. I LOVE (like big fat puffy heart love) how he cares so much for his sister and watches over her. It’s just…Gosh its great.
Shaetha: I love Shaetha. She so sweet and so gentle. Throughout most of the story she was kind of the odd one out and definitely a bit of a misfit of the group (consisting of Sheth, Sohrem, Lehn, Yannah, Kyra, Ender and Jorthen), but she was also a great addition to this very interesting group. I really loved her character. SHe was just so sweet…Is it bad that I picture her to be like a sweet, innocent baby deer? (I don’t mean that in a bad way at all but it’s just kind of how I see it.)
Yannah: Yannah! I love Yannah! Shes amazing and just plain old awesome. She’s tough yet still quite girly which I liked 🙂 I also loved her slight sassy-ness she had going on sometimes. She is also really friendly and kind. Though she did have her moments where certain people would really annoy her. (but isn’t everyone annoyed by someone at one point?) Yeah…just…Yeah no words except that I really loved her 🙂
Okay! Last but not least, we have Jorthen: Overall, he’s just really cool and uhh…I’m running out of words….just so many AMAZING characters! Anyways, Jorthen is cool. He’s got a level head on his shoulders (and sometimes acts like hes some sort of political leader 😛 Not that that’s a bad thing…I’m just saying!) but yeah, I can definitely see why he is one of higher authority when it comes to the entire group.
So, as you can see, lots of characteers and lots of love to go around. The characters are absolutely lovely and totally awesome! I love them all so much! 😀 😀
Setting: The novel takes place in the fantasy world known as Sehret. While reading this book, I really found the setting to be quite believable and the setting just felt so real to me! Like I was right there in the world with the characters. Absolutely loved it and such well done work setting wise 🙂
Overall Thoughts: Ummm…You guys, I’ve read this book 5 times in just over a year…I think that expresses my overall thoughts on the book quite well, don’tcha think? But, either way, Overall I absolutely LOVED this book to itty bitty little pieces. (Okay I don’t necessarily know what that means but it sounds cool and you get my point) It was really good with a fantastic plot/storyline. It was beautiful 😀
Rating: My rating for this book is 5 stars! 5 REALLY BIG,BRIGHT AND SHINY STARS!!
So, now that I’ve reviewed this book and told you about all it’s amazingness, it’s time you go buy it (and maybe even the second book) and read it!….Like right now…..Why are you still here? Click the link below and go buy this amazingly beautiful book 😀
So, Until Next Time!
Adriana Gabrielle
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Adriana Gabrielle writes “Adriana Gabrielle Reads.” You can also find her discussing things like writing novels, reading, discussing movies, film making and more on her blog: Adriana Gabrielle Writes.