By The Right-Wing Teen
You won’t believe what I’m about to share with you. Be sure to read the whole thing because it’s hair-raising and highlights the threat to freedom posed by firms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Never mind the Russians. . . it’s Big Tech censorship that has the power to steal the next presidential election! And this is not a conspiracy theory!
On July 15, 2019, a Senate Judiciary subcommittee presided over by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) held a hearing on “Google and Censorship through Search Engines.” Karan Bhatia, Google’s Vice President of Government Affairs & Public Policy, testified during the first part of the hearing. Bhatia knew the committee members were eager to grill him on a number of issues, so you’d think he would have come better prepared. Bhatia sure didn’t seem very knowledgeable on the inner workings of the company, or perhaps he was purposely being evasive. At one point, Sen. Cruz quipped, “You’re doing something remarkable and that is you are speaking less candidly than Mark Zuckerberg.”
Each senator was only given five minutes to question Bhatia, and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) wasn’t about to waste any time. She repeatedly cut him off when he didn’t answer with a concise “yes” or “no.” It was a pleasure to watch Josh Hawley (R-MO), the youngest senator at age 39, make Bhatia mumble and squirm on whether Google would commit to an independent third-party audit of its content moderation practices. Sen. Hawley closed by saying, “Trust and confidence in your company has run out, and I think it’s time for some accountability.”
Big Tech Hypocrisy
This hearing came about after Big Media mocked and dismissed President Donald Trump’s social media summit on July 11, 2019. The White House had gathered conservative experts to expose the “terrible bias” of the “Silicon Censors” — Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Together, the three social media titans are said to suppress and censor conservative speech online. Of course, Big Media says that’s a myth. . .
- “There is no good evidence that social-media companies are capriciously censoring conservatives.” —New Yorker
- “Trump has not provided evidence for his allegations that the tech companies seek to undermine Republicans or U.S. elections.” —Washington Post
However, neither Big Media nor Big Tech are being honest. For one thing, there is a video of Google co-founder Sergey Brin and CEO Sundar Pichai holding an executive staff meeting at Google on the Friday after the 2016 election, and they’re all shell-shocked. Brin is at the podium saying (summarized), “Well, this is the last thing we thought was gonna happen. This is the last thing that we wanted to happen,” and asking, “What are we gonna do to fix this?”
So it’s obvious the Google leaders have a personal vendetta against President Trump. And yet during the hearing on Google and censorship, Bhatia claimed they have no ulterior motives and defended his company’s content with a prepared statement: “Our job, which we take seriously, is to deliver to users the most relevant and authoritative information out there.”
YouTube’s Selective Censorship
In the second half of the hearing, witnesses included Andy Parker, father of Alison Parker, who was killed during a live news broadcast, and Dennis Prager, a conservative commentator, who has filed a lawsuit against Google for restricting his video content.
Parker testified that YouTube (owned by Google) refuses to take down disturbing videos such as his daughter’s murder, and explained that his priority is making sure tech giants are held accountable. “Anyone on both sides of the aisle can look at my situation and go this stuff shouldn’t be there,” he said.
Prager testified that YouTube suppresses conservative perspectives and bars “restricted mode” users (schools, libraries, and families) from viewing about 20% of the educational videos uploaded by his channel. The censored content includes videos on the history of Israel and The Ten Commandments.
So YouTube evidently has no problem with airing murder videos; meanwhile they don’t want to promote the Ten Commandments, one of which states “Thou shall not murder”!
Big Tech Censorship is Real
The most damning evidence arrived in the final mind-blowing testimony from Dr. Robert Epstein, a proud liberal who voted for Hillary Clinton no less! But he admits that he loves America, democracy, and fair elections more than any candidate or political party.
Dr. Epstein has been a research psychologist for 40 years. He earned his PhD from Harvard, has authored many peer-reviewed articles, and served as editor-in-chief of Psychology Today. He’s a visiting scholar at UC San Diego, and the founder and director emeritus of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies in Concord, MA.
Dr. Epstein testified on the subject of “Google’s threat to Democracy,” and made it clear that conservatives are not just imagining Big Tech censorship. Based on six years of ground-breaking research, Dr. Epstein has concluded that Google “displays content to the American public that is biased in favor of one political party.”
Hint: That party is not the GOP!
Dr. Epstein told senators he’s been focused since 2012 on Google’s power to suppress content, the massive surveillance the company conducts, and its “unprecedented ability to manipulate the thoughts and behavior of more than 2.5 billion people worldwide.”
Then Dr. Epstein made this astonishing charge:
“In 2016, biased search results generated by Google’s search algorithm likely impacted undecided voters in a way that gave at least 2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton.”
Later, when questioned by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Epstein made my jaw drop again.
That 2.6 million votes swayed, Epstein said, is just a “rock-bottom minimum.” He added that the actual number of votes Google gave to Hillary could have been “as high as 10.4 million—depending on how aggressive they were in using the techniques that I’ve been studying.”
Amazingly she still lost. But it gets worse. According to Epstein . . .
- In 2018, Google’s “Go Vote” reminder on Election Day “gave one political party between 800,000 and 4.6 million more votes than it gave the other party.”
- “In the weeks leading up to the 2018 election, bias in Google’s search results may have shifted upwards of 78.2 million votes.”
“In 2020,” Epstein added, “you can bet that all of these companies are going to go all out.” If the Big Tech firms get behind one candidate, he warned, “they will have the power to shift upwards of 15 million votes to that candidate.”
“To let big tech get away with subliminal manipulation on this scale would be to make the free and fair election meaningless,” Epstein told the senators. The threat is so grave, Epstein insisted, that “democracy as originally conceived cannot survive Big Tech as currently empowered.”
Google Engineer Unleashes Explosive Charges
On July 24, 2019, just a week after the above hearing, a courageous senior software engineer at Google stepped out of the shadows to say that Google is “very politically biased.” He went on camera with Project Veritas to explain how Google’s political motivations have compromised the integrity of its Search and News products.
Greg Coppola said: “I’ve been coding since I was ten [years old]. I have a PhD, I have five years’ experience at Google and I just know how algorithms are. They don’t write themselves. We write them to do what we want them to do.” He went so far as to issue these explosive charges:
- “I’m very concerned to see Big Tech and the Big Media merge, basically, with a political party, with the Democrat Party.”
- “We . . . are seeing tech use its power to manipulate people.”
- “We have tech that really, first of all, is taking sides in a political contest.”
“We’re at a really important point in human history,” insists Coppola, who works on artificial intelligence and Google Assistant (or at least he did until the tech giant put him on “administrative leave” after he spoke out). He said, “I think, you know, anytime you have big corporate power merging with political parties can be dangerous.”
“It’s time to decide,” declared Coppola. “Are we going to just let the biggest tech companies decide who wins every election from now on?” Watch the interview here. [Update: Another whistleblower has come forward as of 8/14/19. Click here for info.]
Big Tech Censorship Must Be Stopped!
Is Google a platform or a publisher? They can’t have it both ways. Google is taking advantage of a law intended to protect public forums that supposedly enable free speech, while simultaneously censoring content providers for political positions that they don’t like. President Trump is right. There is “terrible” social media bias – and the potential to dramatically manipulate elections as well.
The Trump Administration had better take action against Big Tech censorship before 2020, or say goodbye to the presidency and the American economic recovery. Because another Google executive was recently caught on hidden camera telling a Project Veritas investigator that the tech giant intends to “prevent” the next “Trump situation.”
If our nation is to remain free and democratic, Big Tech’s vast and unchecked power must be reined in—especially with a pivotal presidential election less than 18 months away. It may take grassroots outrage and our collective voice to push Congress to act.
Sen. Hawley has already introduced the Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act, a major update to the way big tech companies are treated under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA). It would remove the immunity big tech companies receive unless they submit to an external audit that proves by clear and convincing evidence that their algorithms and content-removal practices are politically neutral.
Make no mistake. . . the threat they pose is largely invisible, but “Silicon Censors” want to silence your voice and mine – and to dramatically manipulate elections. This should be a big red flag to any freedom-loving American, no matter what side of the aisle you’re on.
“First they came for you, and I did not speak out. . . Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.”