By Brooke Chaplan
There are several similar characteristics that can be found in highly motivated, successful people all over. While today’s world seems prone to ignore the merits of those who went before us, our article below covers seven characteristics applicable to anyone be they a corporate CEO, aspiring writer, a public relations degree candidate, or Warren Buffett himself.
Staying Focused
You can only achieve your goals in life if you learn to stay focused on your goals, and say “no” to anything that takes you off course. You need a direct focus and an end goal to stay on track. Write down your goals and what you hope to accomplish a month, six months, or a year down the road. Seeing your goals all the time can help you to see them more substantially and help you stay on track.
Put Together a Vision Board/Avoiding Distractions
Vision boards have been with us since Biblical times. Alexander the Great had a map of the then known world constantly before his eyes. Simply put, fashion together a poster board, picture frame, or whatever best displays your cut-out or downloaded photos of things you wish to accomplish in life. This is your target, this is what you are striving for. It can be a simple picture, a bullet point list, or a motivational quote to remind you. Keep it in mind all the time to keep within your scope and focus.
Early Bird Gets The Worm
Almost every motivated person has attributed their success in life to getting up early in the morning and tackling their day purposefully. If you’re trying to get into Kent State University public relations Master’s programs apply early and give yourself a head start on everything you hope to get done. Save up for tuition, start writing your application essays ahead of time, and get a list of school supplies ready. If you’re looking to get into a course on painting, take a prep class, talk with other painters in the class and find out what supplies you need. Preparing before the competition can keep you ahead in the game.
Have a “To-Do” List Made up the Night Before the Event
Check off your achieved goals on your list, and be sure to always finish what you listed. If you can’t, then do whatever you can and leave the rest for the next day. You can also keep a handy notepad nearby during the course of the day.
Listen To At Least One Inspirational/Motivational Tape A Day
Be it Joel Osteen, Terri Savelle Foy, Zig Ziglar or Bob Proctor, add listening to a motivational or inspirational teaching to your to-do list above. The Bible says clearly that “faith comes by hearing”, so be certain to hear plenty of inspirational material during the day. Even if it’s a few minutes of meditation after work, finding a way to ground yourself and inspire you will do wonders to help achieve your goals. Mental practice has shown to be almost more effective than physical practice in many ways so make sure you take time to prepare mentally.
Prayer, Meditation And Finding Your Own Space
This is a predominant characteristic of many motivated people. Conversational prayer with a higher power, meditation, and finding a little spot to be alone with your thoughts is one of the most beneficial, inspirational things you can do. Find peace in a physical spot, in your own mind, or with certain people. Having a place to turn when you need inspiration is important to finding yourself and grounding your goals in reality.
Keep Working and Rest
If you’re feeling tired and uninspired, then force yourself to work for 10 minutes; you’ll soon find yourself kicking into your creative juices. However, bear in mind that burn-out does happen. If you have to take steps slowly, don’t be afraid to take your time. Set up a schedule, but be flexible to change. Sometimes parts of the puzzle won’t fall into place until later on. Be sure to keep a balance, and know when to quit working.
The list of motivational habits is much longer than the seven listed above. However starting gradually you’ll soon be able to shift into a new more productive mindset if you pay attention to these seven. Give yourself a head start and a clear motivation for your end goals.