Community Resource is an organization committed to researching, developing, and sharing the most valuable, unbiased, and free online resources, tools, and guides to make an impact on people’s lives. These are the most comprehensive and unbiased guides that governmental entities, educational institutions, and organizations are sharing with their communities.
Our mission is to encourage the growth and development of widespread educational knowledge to help people better understand the resources available in these four areas: Money, Education, Family, and Health. Achieving our mission would mean living in a world where every individual has the know-how and confidence to accomplish every goal in life.
Right now we’re trying to raise awareness around the barriers that hinder students from pursuing their college education. Research tells us that college is getting more expensive every year. In fact, tuition rates are rising by an average of 3.5% above inflation every year. Experts suggest that some students will have to choose between massive debt and no college education.
According to an article in Time, about half of the students graduating with a bachelor degree in 1994 had debt which averaged $10,000. 20 years later, the amount of debt has tripled. Two-thirds of all students that graduate with bachelor degrees are now faced with repaying student loans. The average debt? A staggering average of $35,000 in student loans will need to be repaid.
That’s why we created what we feel is an unbiased scholarship guide that is valuable for students and parents. Based on a combination of feedback from families and our own research, our team identified and analyzed the best scholarship platforms. These resources are reviewed by every member of our content team for content, credibility, quality, and usefulness.
The guide instructs users on how to use the scholarship platforms effectively to find as many opportunities as possible. We believe that our free guide could be a helpful tool. You can see the entire guide along with some of its features here: