Redeem Clean: Do Your Laundry and Reach the Next Generation

The above three-product package sells for $30.

From American Family Association president Tim Wildmon:

What if I told you that you could clean your family’s laundry and help reach the next generation at the same time? That opportunity is here – through a company called Redeem Clean.

The company was founded by Lynn Ingram [owner of Ingram Cleaners and Laundry] and Jim Duncan specifically to help American Family Association. I first met Lynn and his wife on our Spiritual Heritage Tour of Washington, D.C., last September. Lynn pulled me aside during the tour and told me how he listened faithfully to our American Family Radio station in Abilene, Texas, and that he and his wife were long-time financial supporters of AFA. He told me how much he believed in what we are doing and shared our passion to see Christianity impact America. Then Lynn told me he believed God had put an idea in his heart that could help AFA/AFR financially for years to come. Needless to say – I was all ears! As we discussed his idea, we both agreed Lynn should travel to Tupelo and meet with our staff.

A few weeks later Lynn, 66, and Jim, 69, came and spent the day with us. They shared that they had both been in the laundry business in Texas for a combined 90 years; God had blessed them and provided a good living for their families and many employees over the years. But Lynn and Jim both longed to do something for the kingdom of God – and the ministry they wanted to bless was AFA.

Click here to support AFA through Redeem Clean

They explained to our staff what Lynn had told me in Washington: They had started a company named Redeem Clean and created a laundry detergent; if AFA wanted to offer it to supporters, the majority of profits above and beyond the costs of making the detergent would go to further the mission of AFA.

We have decided to take advantage of their generous offer! More specifically, we agreed that the proceeds from this product will go directly to influence the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ through Engage – a division of AFA created to reach Millennials (roughly ages 20-35). Alarmingly, trends reveal that this age group is slowly wandering from the basic truths of God’s word. It is time that we go on the offensive!

We have a tremendous staff of young men and women at Engage, who regularly write for Engage Magazine. (You can find out more at With every penny raised through the Redeem Clean project, Engage will also seek to expand their reach to the next generation through projects like the following:

  • Video production – The Engage team embraces video as a way to convey a powerful and possibly life-changing message. They are seeking to purchase equipment and build a multi-use studio that will result in quality video content to help Millennials build a Christian worldview based on the eternal truths of Scripture.
  • Engage Radio – With a biblical worldview built by the video platform, Engage will apply those principles to current cultural issues through a 30-minute weekly radio program aired on AFR.
  • Help for the persecuted church – For the last three years, Engage and a partner ministry have conducted the “Orange Letter Campaign,” collecting, translating, and delivering letters to persecuted Christians across the world. They want to see this opportunity grow and be part of the delivery team themselves.

The beauty of the Redeem Clean product is that it rivals any detergent on the market in terms of quality. Not to mention, it is made in America. Redeem Clean is also shipped right to your doorstep. As I said earlier, every time you use Redeem Clean, you help support the ministry of AFA.

There are 3 packages to choose from:

  • Redeem Liquid Laundry Kit includes: 50 oz. Premium Quality Liquid Laundry detergent, 32 oz. Premium Quality Liquid Laundry detergent refill, 80 count Lavender Dryer Sheets
  • Redeem Liquid Clear and Clean (NO dyes and NO fragrances) Laundry Kit includes: 50 oz. Premium Quality Liquid Laundry detergent, 32 oz. Premium Quality Liquid Laundry detergent refill, 80 count Lavender Dryer Sheets
  • Redeem Clean Powder Laundry Kit includes: TWO 50 oz. Premium Quality Powder Laundry detergent. 80 count Lavender Dryer Sheets

All are recurring monthly subscriptions, with free shipping included.

Let me emphasize that purchasing Redeem Clean is something you can do in addition to your normal giving to AFA! After all, if you’re going to purchase laundry detergent anyway, why not get your detergent and help reach the next generation at the same time? Please do not consider this a replacement for your ongoing support of American Family Association. Your support of this ministry is crucial in our fight to preserve the Christian foundations of this nation.

Click here to help reach the next generation through Redeem Clean

Thank you,

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

[Disclaimer: We haven’t tried this product yet as we just learned about it last week. I’m sure they want to sell more of these on a regular basis to raise money for the ministry, but it’s too bad we can’t just buy one set at a time because we’d never go through that amount of dryer sheets or detergent in a month, how about you?]

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