By Amie
Humans start learning at an early age and learn throughout their life. However, without the guidance of a teacher, their development can slow down. Homeschooling and public schooling are two opposite sides of the same coin – education. In a homeschooling environment, the person teaching may not be certified, but the student must learn.
You can take help from the best parenting tips and tricks to make learning easier, fun, and rewarding for your adolescent kids. Teens may seem to be messy and chaotic at times, but these things go along with their personality development. Parents constantly try to figure out how to teach their teenager to do what needs to be done in a unique way. One way is through this parenting success guide that I present for you.
First of all, you should start believing in chores as a great method of teaching lessons. By assigning chores to growing teens, you can show them how to be self-sufficient. You can also make them realize that they have a valuable place in the family. But this daily hustle may seem less appealing and harder to manage so you might avoid it altogether.
Let’s face the reality, there are challenges in parenting difficult teens, especially those who opt for homeschooling. In fact, we often think that we can do it better and faster, and have a lot more peace if we do the chores ourselves! Well, the problem is that it will do no good for the teens.
Then what can we do to make things better? The solution is simple – rewarding teens for doing chores. It may sound like bribing but trust me, it will work! A month ago I was searching the internet, looking for some parenting guidance. The kids always require a new method of learning, so I came across Social Graces – a great chore chart app.
They have developed an app for parents and guardians just like us that allows us to organize, assign, and track chores. Also, enabling us to reward youngsters with a point-based system for rewarding and offering incentives for good performance.
Unlike making a physical chore chart which you might do with younger kids, this app allows us to make contracts with older kids and teens. Now, this feature is something unique that is helpful in teaching them about duties and responsibilities. This reward system works great for the improvement of teenagers because both rewards and appreciation are the best psychological motivators.
This app provides the best experience for the teens – to learn and earn rewards. They will enjoy tracking their progress with the chore chart app and learn about work management. Social Graces also provides a great interface where the teens can count how many “points” they are away from achieving their goals.
Using this app can also help us to work through various parenting issues by rewarding the good behavior of the teens, encouraging them to continue it. It also provides parenting tips & tricks in the form of a discussion or forum platform, offering parents to write their own problems or provide tips among the whole community of parents.
Also, it is not just for the parents – up to 5 guardian profiles are provided so that even grandparents, stepparents, and teachers can use the app. Even teenagers can help their younger siblings by making a profile on this app. You aren’t just rewarding your children with chore chart system, you can also help them maintain a wishlist. Social Graces provides a personal wishlist feature for teens and kids connected with Amazon for utilizing their reward points.
Utilize the chore chart app to reinforce good choices among your homeschooling teenagers. This app is very effective for the improvement of homeschooling teens by teaching them good values and behavior. If your adolescent kids love art and craft, you can also help them craft their own tool for behavior management.
You can also integrate a reward system by using your adolescent kid’s creative skills and having them make a chart or wall poster. This chart could be used similarly to give points for the teenager’s good behavior. The wall poster is a more creative yet limited approach, but the spaces on there can be perfectly utilized.
You can use Social Graces – the best chore chart app for a better development of responsibility in your teen. I wish you happy parenting!
Author Bio:
Amie is a woman of many hats. Full-time-stay-at-home-working-mom (of four talented daughters, no less)! She’s an El Segundo local, born and bred. Entrepreneur. Woman of faith. Wife to one loving, supportive husband.
Amie considers parenting as people management. She considers parenting as a sum total of Patience, Accountability, Responsibility, Encouragement, Nurturing, and Teaching.
Social Graces was born out of over a decade of people management and household directing. It’s a blend of communication, encouragement, and positive expectations, so everyone can win. This method has allowed many families to find peace and cooperation in a home.