Old School Labs Scholarship

By Ben Stokes

Here at Old School Labs, we believe in challenging the status quo and helping others do the same. It took a team of scientists, nutritionists, and designers to help us re-invent a quality and healthy supplement.

However, none of that would have been possible without a good education.

It’s our hope that we can pay-it-forward and help someone else achieve their dreams and start challenging the status quo.

Enter to Win $1,000 Scholarship

Every year we award one $1,000 scholarship to be distributed to the financial aid department at the winner’s university. To enter, please submit a video that is no longer than 5 minutes that answers the following questions:

  • How has health and fitness changed in society over the last 50 years?
  • How does society make it difficult to stay healthy and what is your strategy for defeating these roadblocks?

When your video submission is complete please upload it to YouTube. Next, send the YouTube link, your full name, with the subject line “Scholarship Submission” to us via the contact form on this page. Winner will be the student who submits the video that best answers the submission questions.

Tips for Making a Great Submission Video

Making a winning video essay can be a challenge. But here are a few tips to help give you the best chance of winning this year’s $1,000 scholarship award.

  • Don’t film on portrait mode on your cell phone.
  • Don’t just talk into the camera for 5 straight minutes. Change angles, go outside, make a costume change, etc. Take us on a visual journey to show us what you think (as opposed to just telling us).
  • Don’t obviously read from your script (having a script is a good idea though!).
  • Don’t exceed 5 minutes (but you do want to be pretty close to it).
  • Video production quality counts. This means video, audio, editing, graphics, etc. Make this a video that YOU yourself would want to watch.

Scholarship Rules

In order to be eligible to win the Old School Labs scholarship you must be:

  • Current high school (or home-schooled) student attending school in the U.S.
  • U.S. Citizen, U.S. National, or U.S. Permanent Resident.
  • Will graduate/receive high school diploma during the 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution.

Deadline: March 15, 2020

More information about the scholarship is available at the link below:


About Old School Labs: Old School Labs™ is the maker of premium supplements that carry on the fitness values of the “Golden Era” of bodybuilding. Our natural, no-nonsense nutritional supplements are formulated for men and women who aspire to have a physique with classical muscular proportions bolstered by superior health and fitness. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to benefit from our products. IMPORTANT NOTE: Always consult with a personal trainer, nutritionist, and physician before changing or starting any new exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program.

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